Hey i found medijean!
Interesting article from Elmo-Levine haha
"MediJean: Sicking the Cops on Their Competitors
Larsen also points to another problem with the LPs – at least one of them (MediJean) is announcing it is using it's high profile position as a major LP to goad the police into eliminating MediJean's black-market pot growing competition. MediJean attempts to scare people away from black-market dispensaries on their website:
By underlining the clear difference between the quality control associated with real medical marijuana, and the unknown content offered by the illegal marketplace, it creates an obvious boundary. One is designed to be completely focused on helping people with their ailments, while the other is simply an illicit drug being sold for illegal profit." (
Of course MediJean doesn't mention the excellent work done by medical cannabis dispensaries over the last 19 years of being "completely focused on helping people with their ailments," unlike most of the current set of LPs. Those working at dispensaries even risked arrest to do so, thus proving they were focused on helping people rather than focused on their own safety. These medical cannabis dispensaries have even gone to the trouble of creating high standards for all dispensaries to follow, (
8) and, unlike the LPs, these dispensaries took the trouble to offer constructive criticism of Harper's first draft of his MMPR program, (
9) thus putting helping people ahead of risking ruffling the feathers of regulators.
MediJean goes on to promise to give "a percentage of our profits" to the US-based, fact-free, abstinence-obsessed, reefer-madness "Drug Abuse Resistance Education" DARE program. (
10) This program has been proven ineffective in meeting its questionable goals of preventing drug use (rather than a more reasonable goal of preventing drug
abuse) time and time again. (
Pretty wild way of looking at it!