Instantaneous Absorption of THC? No way, dude.

Hello, folks. First of all, I would like to state that this is my very first time posting. Please forgive me if I'm doing something wrong, as it is NOT intentional.
On to the subject:
I have noticed on several occasions that, when people take 1 or 2 second hits, someone always comments that they should hold their hits longer, so as to absorb more THC.
Then a long line of comments will appear saying "It's not necessary, as almost all of the THC is absorbed instantaneously."
Putting the health issues of holding hits longer aside, I would like to address this.
It has long been my mission to help end P.O.B.S (the Perpetuation Of B.S.), so here goes.
Not only is THC still present in exhaled smoke, there is a HUGE amount of THC left.
How do I know? Well, I'm not exactly sure what youngsters are into now days, but back in the day we did a thing called a 'shotgun'.
That's where you take a blunt, joint, or a pipe, and put the LIT end in your mouth and blow, being careful not to let it touch the side of your mouth. With a properly rolled joint (Not too tight or too loose), or a clean pipe, this will create a jet of smoke shooting out the other end. Someone puts their mouth up to the jet, sucks and inhales. You can get a very powerful hit when done properly. ANYWAY, there is another way of doing it with someone you're intimate with, like a wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, etc. You take a hit, hold it a few seconds, then blow out while locking lips with the other person while they inhale. I've done it a hundred times.
You get ripped out of your skull. Obviously, there is not only THC left in the exhaled smoke, but enough to get a completely different person high.
Of course, that's just been my experience, but I don't see how I could be wrong.
What do others think?
Later, tater.
Peace to you and yours!

Doing my part to help end P.O.B.S. (the Perpetuation Of B.S.) since 1968.
You, too, can help end P.O.B.S.!


Well-Known Member
Hi new guy!

I do enjoy the "super's" as they were called in my neck of the woods...Canada.

Better if you're doing it with someone you're having sex with.

I don't claim to be an expert on the marijuana - I just know what works for me. And no matter how I smoke it - I tend to get the desired effect.

Although the cookie method, if just my fav!

Is this how you're supposed to welcome someone?

Anwho -


Well-Known Member
Just smoke? If someone bitches that you didn't hold it in long enough, or held it in too long, just tell them to shut up. As long as you're enjoying it and you're getting high. I hold my hits in for a few seconds... if I'm in a hurry and trying to get stoned real quick, I take bigger hits and try to hold them in longer....

I have heard the whole "it's all absorbed in 3 seconds" thing... others say 5. The amount of time for all thc to be absorbed would depend on each individual person's lungs ability which obviously varies from person to person... and the amount of THC present in the smoke which would also vary..
Hi new guy!

I do enjoy the "super's" as they were called in my neck of the woods...Canada.

Better if you're doing it with someone you're having sex with.

I don't claim to be an expert on the marijuana - I just know what works for me. And no matter how I smoke it - I tend to get the desired effect.

Although the cookie method, if just my fav!

Is this how you're supposed to welcome someone?

Anwho -
View attachment 3246164
Hello, ma'am.
Thanks for your two cents!
And.....I don't know if that's how you're supposed to welcome someone, either.....BUT I LIKE IT!
Looking forward to some deep conversations about whether or not garden gnomes come to life at night.

Psssst.....BTW, do you know how to permanently add a quote to your post?
Later, tater.


Well-Known Member
Hello, ma'am.
Thanks for your two cents!
And.....I don't know if that's how you're supposed to welcome someone, either.....BUT I LIKE IT!
Looking forward to some deep conversations about whether or not garden gnomes come to life at night.

Psssst.....BTW, do you know how to permanently add a quote to your post?
Later, tater.
I'm not really the cat to ask about this stuff - I am still kinda new myself.

Buuuuuut - I think it's called a "signature", and you just write stuff.

Just smoke? If someone bitches that you didn't hold it in long enough, or held it in too long, just tell them to shut up. As long as you're enjoying it and you're getting high. I hold my hits in for a few seconds... if I'm in a hurry and trying to get stoned real quick, I take bigger hits and try to hold them in longer....

I have heard the whole "it's all absorbed in 3 seconds" thing... others say 5. The amount of time for all thc to be absorbed would depend on each individual person's lungs ability which obviously varies from person to person... and the amount of THC present in the smoke which would also vary..
Just smoke? Precisely, Skuxx. 'Nuff said.
(I'd 'like' your post if I knew how. LOL!)


Well-Known Member
Just smoke? Precisely, Skuxx. 'Nuff said.
(I'd 'like' your post if I knew how. LOL!)
You don't get to "like" for the first few days... or something like that...

This can be worked around though - by simply just doing what you're doing and saying it.


Or - "liking with pictures":
like.jpg Unknown.jpeg

Or Good Internet Fun:
Speaking of POBS and THC left in smoke... check out the latest greatest invention by our genius Finshaggy: the reverse bong.
SWEET! Finshaggy is a genius.
Back when I was a kid, the friends and I would keep a mason jar full of Everclear. We would use it to clean our pipes, then store it back in the jar. This would go on for ages until things were dry. Then we would evaporate it, scrape up the sludge, and get baked. It was disgusting, unfiltered, nasty stuff, but, MAN.....nice buzz. We called it 'swamp hash'.
Finshaggy's reverse bong is pure brilliance, though. I would imagine it's very nicely filtered. YUM.
Thanks for the heads up!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Hello, folks. First of all, I would like to state that this is my very first time posting. Please forgive me if I'm doing something wrong, as it is NOT intentional.
On to the subject:
I have noticed on several occasions that, when people take 1 or 2 second hits, someone always comments that they should hold their hits longer, so as to absorb more THC.
Then a long line of comments will appear saying "It's not necessary, as almost all of the THC is absorbed instantaneously."
Putting the health issues of holding hits longer aside, I would like to address this.
It has long been my mission to help end P.O.B.S (the Perpetuation Of B.S.), so here goes.
Not only is THC still present in exhaled smoke, there is a HUGE amount of THC left.
How do I know? Well, I'm not exactly sure what youngsters are into now days, but back in the day we did a thing called a 'shotgun'.
That's where you take a blunt, joint, or a pipe, and put the LIT end in your mouth and blow, being careful not to let it touch the side of your mouth. With a properly rolled joint (Not too tight or too loose), or a clean pipe, this will create a jet of smoke shooting out the other end. Someone puts their mouth up to the jet, sucks and inhales. You can get a very powerful hit when done properly. /////////////////////////ANYWAY, there is another way of doing it with someone you're intimate with, like a wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, etc. You take a hit, hold it a few seconds, then blow out while locking lips with the other person while they inhale. I've done it a hundred times.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
You get ripped out of your skull. Obviously, there is not only THC left in the exhaled smoke, but enough to get a completely different person high.
Of course, that's just been my experience, but I don't see how I could be wrong.
What do others think?
Later, tater.
Peace to you and yours!

Doing my part to help end P.O.B.S. (the Perpetuation Of B.S.) since 1968.
You, too, can help end P.O.B.S.!
Power hits!! Yea I do that with all my buddies! Gf hates it i tell her it's not gay cuz we are fully clothed .. but she doesn't believe me!


Well-Known Member
Thats very old school thought process about holding hits in as long as you can. We know now its only a few seconds that its absorbed and takes effect. just sayin....get hip bro;)
Hello, folks.
Just a quick message to say thanks for all the responses so quickly!
And, to those I have yet to reply to: I haven't forgotten you, and I'm not iggin' you. LOL! I'll get there.
I just thought the polite thing to do would be to check out some of the threads posted by the people who have commented in here.
Soooo.......that's what I'm gonna do.
Later, peeps.
Thanks, again!
Well said.

I also have an invention to extract THC from smoke more efficiently. Very simple too, it's basically just a tube. I insert the end of the tube anally and then blow smoke up my own ass - makes me feel good.
Sorry, Sativied. I promise I'll get to know you better before I try something as intimate as blowing smoke up your ass again!


Well-Known Member
Hello, folks. First of all, I would like to state that this is my very first time posting. Please forgive me if I'm doing something wrong, as it is NOT intentional.
On to the subject:
I have noticed on several occasions that, when people take 1 or 2 second hits, someone always comments that they should hold their hits longer, so as to absorb more THC.
Then a long line of comments will appear saying "It's not necessary, as almost all of the THC is absorbed instantaneously."
Putting the health issues of holding hits longer aside, I would like to address this.
It has long been my mission to help end P.O.B.S (the Perpetuation Of B.S.), so here goes.
Not only is THC still present in exhaled smoke, there is a HUGE amount of THC left.
How do I know? Well, I'm not exactly sure what youngsters are into now days, but back in the day we did a thing called a 'shotgun'.
That's where you take a blunt, joint, or a pipe, and put the LIT end in your mouth and blow, being careful not to let it touch the side of your mouth. With a properly rolled joint (Not too tight or too loose), or a clean pipe, this will create a jet of smoke shooting out the other end. Someone puts their mouth up to the jet, sucks and inhales. You can get a very powerful hit when done properly. ANYWAY, there is another way of doing it with someone you're intimate with, like a wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, etc. You take a hit, hold it a few seconds, then blow out while locking lips with the other person while they inhale. I've done it a hundred times.
You get ripped out of your skull. Obviously, there is not only THC left in the exhaled smoke, but enough to get a completely different person high.
Of course, that's just been my experience, but I don't see how I could be wrong.
What do others think?
Later, tater.
Peace to you and yours!

Doing my part to help end P.O.B.S. (the Perpetuation Of B.S.) since 1968.
You, too, can help end P.O.B.S.!
i have lost the will to live

brilliant post never the less