5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

and to think... A little:

could have won one of them a new grow light!

is that sarcasm? who would feed their plants toxic sludge ..
This is why I'm worried about your flood cups:
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This started out as a trial of a DIRT top fed drain to waste/auto feed solo-cup rig.... I didn't realize how goddam strong those roots can be, and I forgot to check the drain holes on the bottoms of the cups... My wifey calls this my "terra-ponics" system now.... GOOD LUCK SIR!
Yup thaTs why we should enforce some picture taking for most contestants.
Thats definitely the risk I'm taking with my entries, this round. But, no risk, no reward. And its all in good fun.

I drilled a few small holes in the bottoms only, which are stronger plastic than the sides, and placed garden bed mesh on the bottoms of the cups, so we'll see how they hold up.
Well my girls are showing their sexy parts and I am going to pick the Original Bubblegum to be my final entry. She is growing the most consistent of all of them, has the best side branching and is pretty happy all around. Just hope she puts out some fire now. :weed:
Will do a group shot since I am not going to kill the other competitors, wanna see what they have to offer, and will take individual shots of the Bubblegum for each update from here on out.
The pistils
The cup
The competitor
The group shot
Just a little side note, in my next update I will be moving the plants from their current location to their final home. Gotta sign the lease on saturday and start moving stuff shortly thereafter. I raised this issue of moving in the registration thread and no one said squat so any objections now can sit on it and spin :finger:
That is allbongsmilie:bigjoint::joint:
Well my girls are showing their sexy parts and I am going to pick the Original Bubblegum to be my final entry. She is growing the most consistent of all of them, has the best side branching and is pretty happy all around. Just hope she puts out some fire now. :weed:
Will do a group shot since I am not going to kill the other competitors, wanna see what they have to offer, and will take individual shots of the Bubblegum for each update from here on out.
The pistils
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The cup
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The competitor
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The group shot
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Just a little side note, in my next update I will be moving the plants from their current location to their final home. Gotta sign the lease on saturday and start moving stuff shortly thereafter. I raised this issue of moving in the registration thread and no one said squat so any objections now can sit on it and spin :finger:
That is allbongsmilie:bigjoint::joint:

its just supposed to be under same light source. Nothing said about location of light source.
I do believe the Ninja Turtles have thrown down the gauntlet:)
Only A-game cups will compete in this comp.No amount of show and pageantry,half naked chicks,fancy purpose made lights or sophisticated hydro setups is gonna helpPhoto09022133.jpg Photo09022119_1.jpg Photo09022119.jpg ....
and I still have Spidey,Supes and Batstie to sex and choose from!
Pics are from 2days ago,since then I think BATMAN might be female too!So I'm still in with 4 cups;).I will say that if the Superman cup is f I will choose him as my comp cup.Photo08302151.jpgPhoto08302150.jpg Photo08302149.jpg
As some might know I've had a bit of bad luck with my cups the past two comp...BUT not this time!!It's on losers!!:)

.....all in good fun:)GOOD LUCK!!
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Not much happening for me. Stretchy bitches! Yea, I call em bitches so they know not to bust a nut! 1 TOM didn't come up and that grapefruit cant seem to pop its lid.. but heres an update pic


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Not much happening for me. Stretchy bitches! Yea, I call em bitches so they know not to bust a nut! 1 TOM didn't come up and that grapefruit cant seem to pop its lid.. but heres an update pic
already throwing down a top dressing? They couldn't support themselves?