Silver! Who Is On This Train?

if you put $1000 into silver the day this thread was started, it would be worth $501 today with inflation.
the day this thread was started, silver was at $35.93.

today, it is at $19.09.

following nodrama's advice would have cost you 47% of your money.


who else is on that train!?!

Yeah, silver went from $9 to $49 in 2 years, some of us made over $180,000 on that deal and still have quite a bit of the metal in storage.

I admit it wasn't quite as good as when I turned my $100 bitcoin investment into $1,280,516 but it was still pretty damn good profit.

How much did you make bucky?

Nothing right?

I have been investing in Palladium as of late.
Yeah, silver went from $9 to $49 in 2 years, some of us made over $180,000 on that deal and still have quite a bit of the metal in storage.

I admit it wasn't quite as good as when I turned my $100 bitcoin investment into $1,280,516 but it was still pretty damn good profit.

How much did you make bucky?

Nothing right?

I have been investing in Palladium as of late.

yeah, like i'm gonna trust the numbers of a guy who doesn't know 610 from 110 and who gets caught lying and plagiarizing endlessly on the internet to boost his own ego.

Let's see, that's not entirely accurate. Your Rep Power is 110, so you inflated it by 500 points.

Aren't you the one who is routinely calling other members liars? :lol:

Maybe you're "too stupid" to understand numbers? Now go fucking cry!

yeah, like i'm gonna trust the numbers of a guy who doesn't know 610 from 110 and who gets caught lying and plagiarizing endlessly on the internet to boost his own ego.
Ho hum, all you got is me inflating my "rep Power" to entice pinworm to reveal his false claim, and it worked, fabulously. Woopdeedoo
Ho hum, all you got is me inflating my "rep Power" to entice pinworm to reveal his false claim, and it worked, fabulously. Woopdeedoo

yes, we know you like to inflate your claims on this website, which should make us all skeptical of what a great investor you claim to be, especially in light of the failure that is your advice in this thread.

unless, of course, turning $1000 into $530 over the course of 3+ years in your idea of success.
I'm still buying silver. Have been since 2008.
I haven't purchased for a couple of years, got into Palladium and still buying that too. I think the economic bubble is about to burst, and that should rock Silver prices and make it oh that much more sweeter to purchase. I would REALLY love it if silver went back to $5 an ounce, I would be selling everything I owned to purchase more.
I also want folks to know that the markets are completely broken, there is an entity that trades in every market that can take any amount of loss, even an infinite one. It bends all markets to its will and has been for several years now. It can price silver at $1 if it wants to, even if the underlying physical does not exist, because it has an infinite amount of money. Who is this entity? The central bank of course.

Here a link from the CME group to the CFTC telling them the fee structure given to central banks to trade on the futures market.

The Central Bank Incentive program AKA Citadel.
I haven't purchased for a couple of years, got into Palladium and still buying that too. I think the economic bubble is about to burst, and that should rock Silver prices and make it oh that much more sweeter to purchase. I would REALLY love it if silver went back to $5 an ounce, I would be selling everything I owned to purchase more.
You may get your wish soon...
I also want folks to know that the markets are completely broken, there is an entity that trades in every market that can take any amount of loss, even an infinite one. It bends all markets to its will and has been for several years now. It can price silver at $1 if it wants to, even if the underlying physical does not exist, because it has an infinite amount of money. Who is this entity? The central bank of course.

Here a link from the CME group to the CFTC telling them the fee structure given to central banks to trade on the futures market.

The Central Bank Incentive program AKA Citadel.
  1. I will listen to you when you answer one simple question for me.........What's the difference between the S&P 07 high 1576.09 and the 00' @ 1552.87?? I'll even do a little math to help you find out the difference come's out to 23.22.Now finish the equation....Math drive's the market's not ANY STORY or somebodie's IDEA'S of fundamental's .....Please O please tell me how you made your million's I can assure you I'm dying to hear about it .....But until you answer that question I refuse to believe you are a real trader that goes out everyday and trades to generate your income(the income you pay your bill's with).......Keep buying your silver and gold because I have to take somebodies money? Your Central Bank story belong's on CNBC,Bloomberg. you outta know right? They pay hella cash for there advertisement's there. BTW, somebody please make me understand what the difference is in holding a physical commodity vs paper? Paper dictate's price not the physical asset. As, for PA(palladium) all those S.A. mines are off strike ...I would look for those mine's to replace the Volume's exported by russia if I was gonna trade a story...Just something to be aware of....Sorry to sound so blunt.....My last .2 Buy CLDX not because of a story or Fundametals...But because of a good chart with little price commitment btween the mid teen's to mid 20.00's with a high in low 30.00's I look for it to challenge it's high .......and you can buy Jan 20C options for you can get in the spread .5......950 bux for a thousand share's that you could later exercise? There I put my money/rep... whatever.... where my mouth is SEE Gold thesis for below
  2. Gold Yesterday and today 2 down day's in a row...Where's these fundamental's? I would see what history said happenned to GC & SI during the late 70's and 80's
  3. riug.png
You may get your wish soon...

  1. But until you answer that question I refuse to believe you are a real trader that goes out everyday and trades to generate your income(the income you pay your bill's with)

Can you please quote where I said i was a trader who makes his living by trading every day?

I will wait while you go ahead and find that for me.

Only got like 23,000 posts spanning 8 years to go through, might want to use the search function. Let me know when you find it.


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Yeah it must have really sucked for those people who purchased in 2003 to sell in 2011, man can you imagine only making like 10 times your money?

Too bad you don't have a dime to speculate with. Stick with the walrus, she can't do any better.
Yeah it must have really sucked for those people who purchased in 2003 to sell in 2011, man can you imagine only making like 10 times your money?

Too bad you don't have a dime to speculate with. Stick with the walrus, she can't do any better.
