Is Yessica... God?

This thread desperatly needs some Levela

I'm kinda bi-polar, so I'll end up liking it either way!

Im an insomniac and anxiety sufferer, insomnia a lot more severe though. Ever since converting to bho i sleep regularly and for longer than 2 or 3 hours a night or every other night... Plus you can make it yourself too. Im mesmerized by how a byproduct of the trim in the machine can be sooo ridiculously potently effective, more than canning flowers by at least 60 miles.

Dear God, I've just looked out the window this morning and have noticed my neighbours are keeping a male plant. I want to kill them as I have 8 girls on my terrace less than 50 metres away.

Please God, make it go away before I commit a big sin. I'll start praying now.

Dear God, I've just looked out the window this morning and have noticed my neighbours are keeping a male plant. I want to kill them as I have 8 girls on my terrace less than 50 metres away.

Please God, make it go away before I commit a big sin. I'll start praying now.
Perhaps you could get god to drop them a letter explaining that she's doing her best to stop a sinner killing that old fella but that 'omnipresent' is a bit if an exaggeration. So perhaps they should seriously stop being so selfish and think about exactly how far that pollen could go and how much bad karma they'd get for ruining others grows. Ever thought that neighbour could be a narc, deliberately trying to put everyone to smokeless seed Central?
Perhaps you could get god to drop them a letter explaining that she's doing her best to stop a sinner killing that old fella but that 'omnipresent' is a bit if an exaggeration. So perhaps they should seriously stop being so selfish and think about exactly how far that pollen could go and how much bad karma they'd get for ruining others grows. Ever thought that neighbour could be a narc, deliberately trying to put everyone to smokeless seed Central?

They grow crap plants every year. Shame he didn't buy AF OR FEM seeds. I've started a Poll on it now.
They grow crap plants every year. Shame he didn't buy AF OR FEM seeds. I've started a Poll on it now.
Right then, if they grow crap every year then maybe god should smite them off the face of the planet. If that seems a little extreme then maybe give them a link to a forum so they can actually learn what's what. In nature, the weak are food for the strong, trimming the Heard keeps a healthy gene pool.
Right then, if they grow crap every year then maybe god should smite them off the face of the planet. If that seems a little extreme then maybe give them a link to a forum so they can actually learn what's what. In nature, the weak are food for the strong, trimming the Heard keeps a healthy gene pool.

I dont know any Spanish grow sites otherwise I could throw my books at them!
have Yessica declare a Passover on them, have some lamb for dinner and all firstborn boys die at midnight
done and done
I am not THAT kind of a god. I don't make the rules thousands of years in advance and then get all butt-hurt like a wanker in the afterlife - I GET EVEN.

If I get to pick an anthem - and I do...BECAUSE GAWD - this would be it...

Fun fact - I sing that song everyday in the shower. It takes me the exact length of the song to do all my shower bits. I also Karate chop at my throat during the "oooooh oooohhhhaaaa" parts - which I FEEL is important.

Also - it's Gawd, not "GOD". Many of the other gods I have met have been huge cunts. Except for Bill Murray. ...he's my favourite GAwd...
bill-murray-amazing-stories-3.jpg bill_murray.jpg Bill_Murray.jpeg Bill_Murray_Caddyshack2.gif 804803-bill_murray.jpg giphy.gif YhprioD.gif

So WWYD....what would yessica do?

She would first give the humans the benefit of the doubt, and try to give them facts and hope that was enough.

Buuuut - if it wasn't....BURN THAT DEMON WEED TO THE GROUND. And SALT the earth after - so they can never ruin your babies again.

Don't fuck with @lahadaextranjera , Mother of Dragon-plants...

Heeeey - I think YOU may be a GAWD too.
