Fat Chicks WTF

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Do you know how many good looking chicks there would be if they stopped eating like fucking slobs..........................I see these fat chicks at clubs and shit and you can tell they spent time on make up, hair ect............and think to myself wow if you spent that much time at the gym than dudes would want you....they spend hours on there hair and clothes and it dosent mean a damm thing you are still fat and disgusting and thats why guys don't want you. I'm at work the other day eating lunch and this fat chick (about 230lbs) tells another female coworker "I don't know how you are so skinny" You must not eat anything" and by no means is this girl skinny prob 130ish maybe more....and this fat chick eats her lunch and then goes to the vending machine and gets some powdered donuts and a mountain dew......WTF................think about all those fat chicks with pretty faces.........think how many pretty woman would be out there if half of them wernt fat bodies, were not asking for much just a normal human female (not boney model types)
Yeah, cuz everybody whose fat is fat because they eat a lot, not cuz they have health problems or anything. And everyone was put on this earth to fit your idea of pretty or they are useless.Who needs a head, as long as you have a body?In case you can't tell, this is sarcasm.
Do you know how many good looking chicks there would be if they stopped eating like fucking slobs..........................I see these fat chicks at clubs and shit and you can tell they spent time on make up, hair ect............and think to myself wow if you spent that much time at the gym than dudes would want you....they spend hours on there hair and clothes and it dosent mean a damm thing you are still fat and disgusting and thats why guys don't want you. I'm at work the other day eating lunch and this fat chick (about 230lbs) tells another female coworker "I don't know how you are so skinny" You must not eat anything" and by no means is this girl skinny prob 130ish maybe more....and this fat chick eats her lunch and then goes to the vending machine and gets some powdered donuts and a mountain dew......WTF................think about all those fat chicks with pretty faces.........think how many pretty woman would be out there if half of them wernt fat bodies, were not asking for much just a normal human female (not boney model types)
Yeah, cuz everybody whose fat is fat because they eat a lot, not cuz they have health problems or anything. And everyone was put on this earth to fit your idea of pretty or they are useless.Who needs a head, as long as you have a body?In case you can't tell, this is sarcasm.
the majority of fat people are fat because of the trash they eat and the lack of physical activity, how many fat people have you met that say have medical problems that causes them to be fat. Give me a break, its a very low percentage............I never said fat woman were useless you said that, many over weight people are nice people. I guess your impling that you cant be smart and have a normal female body at the same time, thats impossible?
Haha. Yeah though, I am pretty tired of people complaining about their weight and blaming it on genetics. It's funny how magically American genetics are so much worse then say Chinese weight genetics. Also wonder sometimes how people can let themselves get to where they are, like how they don't just look in a mirror once and be like, "Man, I should really stop devouring so many ho hos". Oh well, if that is what they like then it is a mostly free world, not to mention there needs to be something for fat guys.
Haha. Yeah though, I am pretty tired of people complaining about their weight and blaming it on genetics. It's funny how magically American genetics are so much worse then say Chinese weight genetics. Also wonder sometimes how people can let themselves get to where they are, like how they don't just look in a mirror once and be like, "Man, I should really stop devouring so many ho hos". Oh well, if that is what they like then it is a mostly free world, not to mention there needs to be something for fat guys.
Yeah exactly why are europeons not overweight and yet there relatives (white people in america) are overweight. They take no responsibility, try to blame it on anything under the moon, besides themselves.
No, I'm implying that you seem to think that the only women worth fucking are the ones with good bodies. Yeah, a lot of folks are fat because of what they eat.But your initial post came off as one of intolerance to said fat people. Just because someone is fat doesnt mean they don't deserve to have a dude like them. We all have our problems and noone is perfect.
the majority of fat people are fat because of the trash they eat and the lack of physical activity, how many fat people have you met that say have medical problems that causes them to be fat. Give me a break, its a very low percentage............I never said fat woman were useless you said that, many over weight people are nice people. I guess your impling that you cant be smart and have a normal female body at the same time, thats impossible?
There already are HEAPS of hot women in the world, I mean if you're not looking you might not see them, but I can't recall ever going out (even just down the road to the shops) and not seeing a pretty girl ... But I know what you're saying about people who are ridiculously over weight and then blame genetics and shit ... Even though they spend the majority of their lives sitting, eating, wathcing tv while complaining about how bored they are and there's nothing to do and then spend hours on make-up ... If you're bored, how bout going for a run, a walk at least, go to the gym, get some home gym equipment (can't afford it? - go for a walk, that's free)

P.S - Skeleton girls are disgusting, I like a girl who has at least a little meat on her, I mean come on, need some cushin' for the pushin' haha
you know what's worse? an ugly chick with a hella nice body. it's like they were put here just so your buddies can tease you for doing her. lololololol

i joke.
wow...congratulations on winning the biggest idiot of RIU award. Im a "fat chick" im a size 16...so im not HUGE...but yea...im a big girl. i eat maybe once or twice a day...fast food maybe once or twice a month. i enjoy physical activity and stay pretty active. and u know what? im still fat. but im also a gorgeous girl, i hear it from guys all the time. i probably get hit on more times in an hour that u have been hit on in your whole life. i also have no intention of losing my weight because i would lose my boobs...which are damn near perfect...and my ass...which is perfect. u really need to grow up and stop making judgments about people. its ignorants douche bags like you that cause girls to feel so uncomfortable with their bodies, to the extent that they develop eating disorders, and body dysmorphic disorder.
i'm italian, and italian women have 1 common thing, they all get short fat and hairy, but i love em, and wouldn't want anything else than my wop women lol.. not too mention their BIG attitudes lol
Lol! I used to be a size 12 no where near skinny but not fat either no cheese if you know what I mean ,still got laid still got hit on im only 5ft so I was a roamy little bitch.Now im a size 2 still get hit on, still get laid but now I have the type of men who like their women "little" and "cute" to deal with.My point is fat or skinny you can't win in this fucking world because there is always going to be some dick that has something derogative or just down right skeezy to say.In my view it is insecure and vile and no good will ever come of it.:peace:
fat chcicks:

They don't yell, they don't tell and they are grateful as hell!!

I don't really mean that. Ben Franklin said it about older women.

Sarah, those are some of the most sensual lips I have ever seen!! WOW
"i eat maybe once or twice a day...fast food maybe once or twice a month. i enjoy physical activity and stay pretty active. and u know what? im still fat"

no personal responsibility, its out of your control lol...........eating only 1 meal a day is prob on of the worst things you can do to your body, causes your metabolism to slow down and your body to store more calories as fat, maybe you should eat multiple small meals a day
wtf are you a dietitian now? I think natrone got turned down by a bbw now he's mad at all of them hahaha what a shallow mofo
"i also have no intention of losing my weight because i would lose my boobs...which are damn near perfect...and my ass...which is perfect."

I thought it was your genetics was the reason............but now it is because you just don't want to.........you actually made one of points for me thanks
"i also have no intention of losing my weight because i would lose my boobs...which are damn near perfect...and my ass...which is perfect."

I thought it was your genetics was the reason............but now it is because you just don't want to.........you actually made one of points for me thanks

I'm gonna go with natrones side on this one, cause 99% of fat people just eat to much. and are always complaining that there to fat.
now i never said that fat people are worth less or some thing, there just less attractive in my opinion.

offtopic: why do all chicks on RIU only post pictures of them where 1 can see like 2 inches of their face? sorry to say but every time i see a pic like that i think " Ooooh... so your eyes/lips/tits/whatever is the only pretty part of you , god you must be hideous"

just my 2 cents
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