Use of the word "nigger"


New Member
You want to impress me? Take your Dan Quayle-looking ass, complete with blue blazer and club-tie combo, into a nightclub in the middle of Compton and yell that out at the top of your lungs.
Fire in movie theater would work in any movie theater.....what I said, "nigger, nigger, nigger" might get applause in many venues......think about it, your an asshole, I mean, if your able.


Well-Known Member
i believe it ok to an extent dependig on its context who your with how well ya know them most of my maori mates use it in a context that even i wouldnt haha but in sayin that other ones do get offended. so yea i think im on the fence about this one only time will tell. (interesting abot the jew comment earlier being rich or something i from country where jews are very uncommon i just never knew that about them thats all)


New Member
i believe it ok to an extent dependig on its context who your with how well ya know them most of my maori mates use it in a context that even i wouldnt haha but in sayin that other ones do get offended. so yea i think im on the fence about this one only time will tell. (interesting abot the jew comment earlier being rich or something i from country where jews are very uncommon i just never knew that about them thats all)
All jews are rich and all blacks are niggers...................


Well-Known Member
Why in the hell is everyone all, "black people do this", why are you fucking idiots trying to lump us all together... fucking all black arent the same, we dont all like rap and fried chicken(you fucking idiot) we are people just liek you all and we are different... and if you arent black how in FUCK does your dumb ass know what we like you fucking racist (that how you spell it, not rasis, fucking dumb ass) dillhole!?!?! And why dont you hear about these gangs killing targetinng whites.... CAUSE IT ISNT TRUE!!!!! And blacks get more news coverage.... OMGosh you are definately as stupid as i thought.....

Oh yea, if you didnt know i talking to the 2 dumb arses:
Ccodiane and high4life.... fucking fools....


New Member
"You can't say "nigger", and, you CAN NOT wear green on Tuesdays.......DO YOU HEAR MEEE!"

Fuck you you ignorant fool.......


New Member
Why in the hell is everyone all, "black people do this", why are you fucking idiots trying to lump us all together... fucking all black arent the same, we dont all like rap and fried chicken(you fucking idiot) we are people just liek you all and we are different... and if you arent black how in FUCK does your dumb ass know what we like you fucking racist (that how you spell it, not rasis, fucking dumb ass) dillhole!?!?! And why dont you hear about these gangs killing targetinng whites.... CAUSE IT ISNT TRUE!!!!! And blacks get more news coverage.... OMGosh you are definately as stupid as i thought.....

Oh yea, if you didnt know i talking to the 2 dumb arses:
Ccodiane and high4life.... fucking fools....
Do you like fried chicken?


Well-Known Member
No, actually i dont eat anything fried, i care about what goes into my body, work out 6 days a week... I dont eat unhealthy foods... Now are asking cause i said i was black in previous posts?


Well-Known Member
ha this is a pretty funny forum every one seems to take it personally. come on its just peoples opinions


Well-Known Member
wow, people are more worriedn about fried chicken and stereotype ,than the actual reason ,fuck fried chicken its irrelevant to th e topic.

get back on sub and discuss why we are dyin off as a race why, got all of these problems, why where allways in the media doing stupid shit, they make it as if where all one way, fuck bet that do represent me, thats some fucked up white guys version of what he thinks is our culture.


Well-Known Member
get back on sub and discuss why we are dyin off as a race why, got all of these problems, why where allways in the media doing stupid shit, they make it as if where all one way, fuck bet that do represent me, thats some fucked up white guys version of what he thinks is our culture.
think i can answer

`` dyin off as a race `` one race , the human race
``why where allways in the media doing stupid shit,`` we ?, whats the we ? to imply a ``we ``would be top segregate yourself as a separate entity
``thats some fucked up white guys version of what he thinks is our culture`` wow , not offen you get such an openly hostile opinion of a person based on skin colour but to generalise and state that a person must have an incorrect perspective based entirely on the concept of the colour of there skin is the purist form of racism , as a none white man you get the fortitude to be privy to the ability to question racial issues from the past and present but it doesnt exclude yourself from the fundimentals of race relations , racism cuts both ways , both are not exceptable


Well-Known Member
indeed there not exceptable...
i look at things from both perspectives...
evil is evil....
it knows no skin color...
aids is man made,check into that,look at all the disease, going on...

white black is all relative...

but i dont see black people running shit, so if im being oppresed , then who do i take it out on...well the person/persons doing the oppression...

i say we ,beacuse im a person being affected just like you, liek you pay for that high ass gas as well, or like your not being exposed to the music too.

we all in it together, you think aids knows color, nor does evil.

why is it so hard to see my stand point...
listen up caucasains, if you havent wronged anyone then dont take offence...

but as i stated from the media, to the food companys , to the clothes you wear, to the music labels, to the oil companies , to the car company owners, who and what are they....
old white guys, who dont give afuck about anyone...those are the elite pulling the strings....

they say fuck u to us all....

is that so hard to believe....if your takin what im saying as rascist, then your not lookin at the facts....what have i said that is not happening in society.

example...these guys have been raised to be racist ,the existed in world where that was ok, can any of you guys say you lived in a society the said hey, call as many black people nigger as you can, its ok....then all of the sudden ,they tell them you cant say it anymore....and look what think they aint still holding a grudge...
and oh by the way, last time i checked most of the white youth that i have been exposed to seems to think callin each other nigga is cool...
thats just pure ignorance...
your not even black....

like dave chappelle , and paul mooney. if there something they want, they talk and claim it there self.

has that not happened with nigga????

now i dont speak against all caucasains , just like all blacks arent stereotypical niggers.
i cant bring all caucasains down and i wont...but i will look around and see who is ppulling the string and guess who...evil old white guys...

right or wrong??
government anyone??