No, lessons have NOT been learned, because the SAME policies are in place today, and females are STILL recruited as if they were "equal" to males, and test standards are STILL being lowered to accommodate minorities, or deemed "bias".
If lessons were actually "learned", then organizations would assess the data available over the past 3 + decades of "womens' lib" bullshit hiring practices, realize that it has been a dismal failure for EVERYONE involved, except females, and they would change the standard and EXCLUDE females in positions they have NO g'damn business being cops, and fire fighters, and soldiers, and ANY other profession that requires the ability to MAN HANDLE people / enemy.
The inclusion of females has not only made organizations less effective, less efficient, and more expensive to operate, due to the female presence, but they have also lowered the over all quality of MALES in those organizations due to the lower standards incorporated to accommodate females.
The same thing applies to minorities that are too fucking stupid to pass a standardized test, or meet the physical requirements of an organization.
Nobody has learned SHIT.