Daily Grow Tips (with pics)


Well-Known Member
lol cant stop thinking of things for plants daily! Im haveing to force myself into the keep it simple frame of mind!

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
my plant do better when i just leave them alone...like what hothouse said..keep thing's simple...well i use advaned nute's.. some people think it not simple.. but if you understand thare product's..and what your plant's need at what time's..
da plantDOC

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
the good thing is that people care about their plants...the bad thing is they will do anything to fix something that may not be a problem....plants will heal themselves,as long as the stress is removed,whether it be heat,over nutes,or whatever...it is a very hard plant to kill.....my avatar was germed in an ice tray,and yard dirt,outside....we were all ignorant at one time...lol


Well-Known Member
yeah, satman if you think of it from the plants point of view, it's probably cowering in fear when we come around lol


Well-Known Member
wow that looks pretty nice for cube tray to yard dirt!!!! Weed can be so forgiving!! Raise a kid like that and they would come back and try and kill you some day! Not mary jane she will blossom and love you till the end! (As I will her!)

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
new pics in the journal...special request to bfq...miracle grow babies....and yes,if my plants had legs they would run at the sight of me

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
the good thing is that people care about their plants...the bad thing is they will do anything to fix something that may not be a problem....plants will heal themselves,as long as the stress is removed,whether it be heat,over nutes,or whatever...it is a very hard plant to kill.....my avatar was germed in an ice tray,and yard dirt,outside....we were all ignorant at one time...lol
i dont no am far from ignorant..on this topic... i did take botaney..in at the local collage...you whould never know it by my spelling...da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
it is a new day by the clock so here is a new tip...

it may seem simple but it makes a BIG difference... keep your grow CLEAN and keep yourself clean when you go into the grow!

a dirty grow is a good place for bugs and micro-organisms to proliferate. dirty reflective surfaces dont reflect as well. air flows cooler and faster over smooth surfaces. lights shin better through clean bulbs. (careful cleaning bulbs! NEVER touch a HID bulb with your bare hands!)

as for keeping yourself clean before you go into the grow... spider mites are by and far one of the worst things that can happen to a grow and they virtually ALWAYS come in via the grower.

our indoor grow environments are usually pretty well closed off from the world (except the intake... but that is a different topic) so the majority of the bad things that get to them come from us. never ever mow the lawn and then rush into your grow to check things "real quick before a shower"... this is the path to a painful learning experience. ;)

when you build a new grow area always think about how to clean it and what happens to any spilled water.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
i have a good grow tip..after you calabrating your pen's dont shut them off after you calabrate...so leave it on the hole time you mixing..if you shutt it off some have a reset back to the setting.. like if i calabrate my pen at 7.0 then i shut it off and turn it back on..it will be off the mark witch is 7.0.. OH AND IF IT IS NOT DRY DONT APPLIY da plantDOC
da plantDOC.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
My tip today,Homemade Co2,

2 cups of sugar
1 packet of yeast (found in bakery items0
1/2 hot gallon water
1 gallon jug

Mix ingredients in gallon jug...drill small hole in the cap...This mixture will produce co2 for up to 2 weeks.Shake to release a burst of co2.The catch is...you gotta shake it a lot

Now my opinion,for what its worth...this method of co2 production is good for small cabs only...It doesn't release enough co2 to raise the ppm of co2 to a beneficial level in a larger room,such as a closet.Yes,you can use more jugs if you wish,but to get full benefit,go with a co2 system,such as a bottle and regulator,or a co2 generator(makes a lot of heat)

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
SEE if you use something like carban water that has c02 in it's better then water...
that's what i use to do...just a thout
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
just woke up, time for a new tip (i dont do pics, so i have to use the thousand words.)

document your grows. keep track of what you do and when you do it.

go back and reread your notes periodically and see where you have been silly and where you have been smart.

keep track of trends and keep track of watering and feeding.

this does more for your grows than can possibly be explained.