look what i found!


Well-Known Member
guess it really IS a weed its a female too just found while weeding thats 1 weed that can stay im gonna cut the fucked leafs and give her a feed fuck man a true wild plant lol in my fuckin garden!:hump:


Well-Known Member
i know it was put in the pot after i found it while weeding its in the same spot i found it lol yeah it IS in a pot and yeah it was just randomly there but i dug around her and potted then fed with the emptying of my res gonna see how she goes


Well-Known Member
I dont get how that magically appeared? have you smoked over there and tossed some seeds and forgot or something? Can that really happen, a MJ plant just appearing? I know thats how they first got here(just appeared) but thats crazy! I wish that shit hapened when i was weeding


Well-Known Member
What is that a gay guerilla grow? Put little plants in peoples flower beds, and hope they don't weed em. There's an old lady down the road with crazy flowers everywhere. Should I go in the spring and put in clones when she plants her flowers? I am going to call it "Parasite Grow" and the strain will be Grandma'a Cough Medicine.


Well-Known Member
what is that a gay guerilla grow? Put little plants in peoples flower beds, and hope they don't weed em. There's an old lady down the road with crazy flowers everywhere. Should i go in the spring and put in clones when she plants her flowers? I am going to call it "parasite grow" and the strain will be grandma'a cough medicine.
lol funniest thing ever !omg


Well-Known Member
lol funniest thing ever !omg

right on, I will start the journal next season, all my pics are going to be with a telephoto lens. I might have to swing in to her place and pose as a organic fertilizer salesman, "Hello, I am from Fox Farms and as a special today I would like to feed your flowers, also I will be leaving this 3-pack in gallon jugs, good day."


Active Member
When I lived in Chicago my co-worker and I would walk to the same restuarant every day, same route down an alley paralell to Cicero. One day I noticed a very healthy pot plant growing next to the fence a good 3 foot tall! Keep in mind it's summer, in Chicago and dozens if not hundreds of people have passed this plant every day without apparently noticing it.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
That was my guess too,mr fishy....plants spread worldwide in just that fashion...could just be a seed toss too,no tellin how many plants i started that way