Sunni? are you gone?

She's tripping cutty! Check my post It clearly says too!!

How is your wife?Have you heard anything? is she awake ?? I'm sorry you gotta go threw this bro!

No look again your post says too in all lower case, the one she quoted you in had it as TOO all caps.

She's doing better. She's awake but still has iv and everything hooked up. We're waiting to talk with a neuro specialist
Danny boi is the best!! I miss him too!
Last edited 32 mins ago.

You MAY have edited, directly after I posted the correction. I was just being a deck.

If you didn't - then someone is going around changing "to's" to "too's" and "two's" even????????

I don't know what this thread is about anymore....

@giggles26 - I'm really sorry about what you're going through. Sad shit. Keep strong man - the hospital isn't the worst place to be. Been there - lots!
Last edited 32 mins ago.

You MAY have edited, directly after I posted the correction. I was just being a deck.

If you didn't - then someone is going around changing "to's" to "too's" and "two's" even????????

I don't know what this thread is about anymore....

@giggles26 - I'm really sorry about what you're going through. Sad shit. Keep strong man - the hospital isn't the worst place to be. Been there - lots!
I dare anyone to follow my dumb ass around an fix my shitty grammar n spelling.
It would be a full time job.
I dare anyone to follow my dumb ass around an fix my shitty grammar n spelling.
It would be a full time job.
I just did it THAT time - because I THOUGHT it was funny in context.

GAWD - nothin is funny anymore when you pick it apart like THIS....

I am NOT the grammar police. I have atrocious grammar. Without the computer spell check - I couldn't even spell the work atrocious.

I'M SORRY!!!!!
Fuck - i was trying to spell "approve" wrong again.

Ok take 2:

awares - AND I APROVE!!!

Use TAKE 2!!!!
Here is the gods honest truth.
I dropped out of school and started getting high all the time and seeking much "box"

So when people comment on my shit
it makes me happy remembering all that sex n fun I had.
Who knows maybe they reallllllllllly love spelling.

My biggest point to a grammar nazi is this.
I know you understood what I had just written.
So fuck off control freak.
go back to beating off to the world bood encyclopedia.
my roommate used to correct my grammar, then I told her to stfu and threaten to kick her out. Now I only speak pigin when I talk to her. I know it bothers her cause she has dr degree and shit. But she is a fucking whore and dirty, fyi.
I like dirty whores! Next time I'm in Hawaii let me spend the night!! I'll bring My cock ring !