PLANTS stolen!!!!

BUMMER.........I have not been ripped in decades but I do remember the sting I felt when it happened.........Not to frighten you but I do believe the culprit will return for your remaining plant ........Is there no way that maybe you could watch for the return of said culprit.......nothing would put the fear of god in( him) than to be caught red handed or almost caught and have the shiznit scared out of him ....a change in your routine my thwart him ............If I lived near you I would gladly be willing to help you do you have anyone that can or would be willing to help you......short of getting a gun and periodically going outside and squeezing off a few rounds while wearing a viking helmet and screaming at folks that aren't there.......folks are scared of crazy people they never know if they may end up in a freezer in the basement if caught........Good luck my thoughts are with you !!!!
I would hook a loud cd player up to a motion detector turned up loud. A drive way alarm is great but, if they had a car, they would have taken them both. And I'm sure a thief isn't going to walk up the drive way. You can buy these at H.D. or lowes cheap that will cover the whole yard designed to make a regular light a motion light by plugging into an electrical socket than the light into it. The noise will detour a lot quicker than just lights, IMO.
a driveway alarm is just a motion sensor that signals a noise maker, instead of a light..
There are several types of driveway alarms and the one I have has 2 parts that go on opposite sides of the driveway at a certain height. This is so dog and cats don't set them off.The motion driveway sensors are not as strong or cover the area the ones for lights, they can cover 180-270 degrees depending on what you purchase. And their sensor will catch something further away than one designed for a driveway that only has to go so far to the other side. Also the driveway alarm only sounds while the sensor is obstructed, where as a regular motion sensor you set how long it stays on for.
In ONtario we cannot carry a gun without a license and even with it cannot be out unless at a range... or of course if you are a cop. I hate cops. They'd nail me before the kids. I had a friend who was in a motorcycle accident a month ago.. His wife was killed on the back. They tested his urine.. came back with MJ... never tested the 21 year old kids and there were 4 going to a party on a long weekend. Did a u turn in front of him. He hadn't smoke any weed... he's on meds for lupous and after he got his doctor involved some of those meds can show positive for mj. He's 55 and his wife was 52 on their way to my brothers for a bbq.... Just came back with a security light... a chain and lock for the fence gates.... spoke to my neighbour... he's cool. Have driven around the hood looking for a dropped plant as this bitch is probably 70 pounds. If they didn't have a car they would be struggling with it.... below is the 2nd plant.. it's now in flower and stands 5'4. god damn i am sooo pissed offff. just leave be as i was hurting no one. I keep to myself.


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Ok I am really really pissed off today... got up yesterday morning and my car had been rifled through. nothing solen.. as there's nothing in the car. Last night I locked my car and then this morning I got up and the gate is open and the big girl is gone from my deck. this plant was going to yield probably pound of weed. My meds for arthritis and herniated disks all gone. I still have another big girl however I don't know what to do with her now. I am a woman living alone. In a subdivision. I have 2 dogs but she's 13 years old. Doesn't hear well. I feel quite violated and am worried they will come back.
The pic is of the one that is gone... Pisses me off so fucking much. I have to go get motion detectors or something. Can't report obviously. But I feel violated for sure.
Booby traps,
Get an electric fence and wrap the pot, the area, make it a maze of electric fence wire, and have it plugged into the house. also do multiple strands to the leads on the box, so if they try to cut one of the wires there will be more leads making a circuit.
Use a driveway alarm like jj suggested. I have 4 in my garden, they work great! I have 4 sensors in the garden and one of the alarms out there to. If someone comes into the garden and the alarm goes off in the garden I'm sure they'll be hauling ass out of there before the shotgun goes off (warning shot). I also keep the other 3 alarms in the house, 1 in the bedroom, one in the living room, and one on the front porch.
Sorry about your loss, if you were in my neighborhood I'd give you a pound to help your health needs, you'd have to trim it though.:)
Here you go, exactly what I have, $15.99 ea (American...LOL)
Yes I was going to sit up tonight and wait in the dark in my kitchen.... and then scare the fak out of them... again I am assuming these are just young dumb kids. With nothing better to do at the end of summer. I will look into the driveway alarm thing too. Its a violation of my property and privacy ... the property being my house... and my yard... Now;s when I need my bulldog out there..l. as she'd kick fucking ass..


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Use a driveway alarm like jj suggested. I have 4 in my garden, they work great! I have 4 sensors in the garden and one of the alarms out there to. If someone comes into the garden and the alarm goes off in the garden I'm sure they'll be hauling ass out of there before the shotgun goes off (warning shot). I also keep the other 3 alarms in the house, 1 in the bedroom, one in the living room, and one on the front porch.
Sorry about your loss, if you were in my neighborhood I'd give you a pound to help your health needs, you'd have to trim it though.:)
Here you go, exactly what I have, $15.99 ea (American...LOL)

this would have lasted me the winter and given to others.... I'd trim just for the fun of it. Love doing that part.... can you image! I gave clones to my friends from that girl....and some have 4 at 6 feet and then some. PRobably a $2000 plant at the end of the day when we are paying $300 an oz. in some cases....
This little guy and this old girl just arent keeping up these days....


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I put a 6' fence around my garden and use a couple heat/motion sensors with a base station. Nobody can get within 10' of my fence before my alarm goes off. The main thing is though, you must stay close to your garden. I stock up on everything I need for that last 4 weeks and rarely leave my garden.
Yeah my bro said he was or could make a cage or fencing of sorts... but this is a subdivision home and to draw attention could me trouble .... and because there's so many trees i have been moving these ladies around at the end of summer to utilize what available for full sun. Seriously just hate the violation and now someone and a kid to boot in all likelihood knows what I do during summer months... next year will be the same shit.
here is the 2nd plant... look at how big she is and the other was bushier and denser.... this one I have never had before... it is from seed from a 10 variety pack. The other I knew what I was getting.


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yes probably so . but it is stolen property. The cops might have and obligation to pursue and I just beat the shit out of someone who stole my property ?

For one plant no, I agree. If you asked me I would give you a plant.
OK. I'm asking. Can you give Grasscropper a plant?
Yeah it's the shits.... I spent a lot of time on her out of sheer enjoyment....only to either see or know she's going to die... as she's not near ready to harvest.. or someone is going to get caught with her or make a profit out of my work. asshats... what is this world coming to.... i mean really... I have no medical benefits and spent time and money tending to my ladies and now what i have to worry about myself, my dogs, my cat.... people wonder why i have no faith in people. fak i look criminal here... and do i look like I could scare off any punks... like now i am frightened


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These threads are hard to read every year. Fucking scumbag thiefs suck and thats why my outdoor plants are locked in a cage and my indoor room is locked up like a vault. Next thing for me is a camera system from costco.
@grasscropper sorry about your loss wish I could help.

Seriously.. this house, my parents owned... i bought it from my bros when mom passed.... never ever did she lock her doors (not saying that is a good thing these days) and I have been very very comfortable in my environment.... too comfy... well not anymore. sad ass shit to happen at this stage of the game... earlier... could have tossed another lady outside and moved on...