Fuck Tilray

Man am I ever glad that I didn't hold out for Tilrays new strains. Either way over priced with a respectable THC content or way overpriced with a lower THC content than my urine. I mean really, I'm pretty sure that by now I'm at least 15% THC by weight given how much I use everyday ;-) All these people on their Facebook defending them as well saying it's not all about THC it's the terpenes too! well you are correct but chances are if it smells like an old bag of lawn clipping there's not a ton of terpenes left, or that had a chance to develop......
Man am I ever glad that I didn't hold out for Tilrays new strains. Either way over priced with a respectable THC content or way overpriced with a lower THC content than my urine. I mean really, I'm pretty sure that by now I'm at least 15% THC by weight given how much I use everyday ;-) All these people on their Facebook defending them as well saying it's not all about THC it's the terpenes too! well you are correct but chances are if it smells like an old bag of lawn clipping there's not a ton of terpenes left, or that had a chance to develop......
I tend to agree with ya. But after trying canna farms green crack,that comes in at 12% THC.....I would never guess it to test so low based on aesthetics and effect. In fact I would say it's really good weed. And I like your self have a really high tolerance....so now having tired that...I'm not so quick to scoff off a strain based solely on the thc%.

At the same time I wouldn't order a really low THC indica and expect it to help me sleep through the night.you need the Right tool for the job kinda thing..
I tend to agree with ya. But after trying canna farms green crack,that comes in at 12% THC.....I would never guess it to test so low based on aesthetics and effect. In fact I would say it's really good weed. And I like your self have a really high tolerance....so now having tired that...I'm not so quick to scoff off a strain based solely on the thc%.

At the same time I wouldn't order a really low THC indica and expect it to help me sleep through the night.you need the Right tool for the job kinda thing..

I've done a few tests with strains to see if people are full of shit. About 4 years ago I grew some Jamaican which according to everyone you couldn't get high off it. Well I didn't tell them what I grew, just told them its a nice light green color mix. Low and behold everyone that tried it got high. Me and my wife laughed and haven't told most of those people what it was.

For me heavy Indica induces really shitty sleep for me while say a mix like Diesel make me sleep good. I get better pain management with predominant sativas than indicas.
I've done a few tests with strains to see if people are full of shit. About 4 years ago I grew some Jamaican which according to everyone you couldn't get high off it. Well I didn't tell them what I grew, just told them its a nice light green color mix. Low and behold everyone that tried it got high. Me and my wife laughed and haven't told most of those people what it was.

For me heavy Indica induces really shitty sleep for me while say a mix like Diesel make me sleep good. I get better pain management with predominant sativas than indicas.
What kind of pain do you suffer from? I have been using primarily indices but I'm thinking maybe that might not be enough. I am sooooooo tolerant.
What kind of pain do you suffer from? I have been using primarily indices but I'm thinking maybe that might not be enough. I am sooooooo tolerant.

Herniated disk but lots of joint pain from too many years of fucking around on mountain bikes/bmx when I was younger and not taking care of injuries properly. Also I like really weak strains for stress relief. I got my hands on some Blue Cheese a few months back and it was really weak but awesome a relieving stress and calming down my nerves vs something that gets me super stoned say like Master Kush. Unless I'm watching a movie or just a plain lazy night I'm not a fan of being stoned for hours.
Herniated disk but lots of joint pain from too many years of fucking around on mountain bikes/bmx when I was younger and not taking care of injuries properly. Also I like really weak strains for stress relief. I got my hands on some Blue Cheese a few months back and it was really weak but awesome a relieving stress and calming down my nerves vs something that gets me super stoned say like Master Kush. Unless I'm watching a movie or just a plain lazy night I'm not a fan of being stoned for hours.
I have had 4 back surgeries with a fusion at L4-5-S1 with serious fucking instrumentation that I ultimately had removed. I have pain so bad some days with muscle spasms so I can't breathe. I am growing a cheese right now so hope that helps. Thanks.
Having personally helped treat Lumbar spine injuries and post surgery patients in a physiotherapy clinic I have to say keep up the good fight. Shit is no joke
Don't know that I want to go the pharma route but at this stage of the game if the side effects aren't too bad...
are they really any worse though hippy?
from what i gather, if you must do the MMPR crap route and are too timid to take care of yourself; tilray seems to have decent meds, but they're quite pricey.

*i don't know first hand though.. and i kinda hope to never ;)