'Heavy' pot smoker wins trafficking case on personal use defence


Well-Known Member
its very easy especially if you eat the leaves...since the wet weight is 5 times the dry weight.
I find it easy to go thru my daily allowance,,,,,vaped, edibles and smoked.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I've never eaten it raw. What's it taste like? For some reason it just doesn't appeal to me. Do you chop it up like lettuce? Dressing? Sushi wrap? Jk

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
To be honest, I've never eaten it raw. What's it taste like? For some reason it just doesn't appeal to me. Do you chop it up like lettuce? Dressing? Sushi wrap? Jk
I heard when raw, it has no high effect. You just get nutrition and the non-active chemicals from it. I hear "juicers" who make juice out of it do not get high at all. I was told when making canabutter, or even mixing it ground into brownies, to heat it up on a cooky sheet below the vaporizing temp so the canabinoids can convert into active THC. Is that correct?


Well-Known Member
I thought about posting a Heavy Users Lounge thread to have as another distraction throughout the day. I thought I'd search for an existing one and came up on this missed post.

I'm a light weight sized dude now. When I have enough dank, I'd say I match cannadan and Mr. Lavalle's low usage day. If I was a bigger guy I could see how a bigger guy would have higher consumption. I did have a customer with a commercial grow who said he smokes half a zip a day and he was about 6'7" 280 LBS. LBJ/ Julius Peppers sized.