I can't stand trying to get music on this phone, it's the stupidest fucking process I've ever seen in my life. There is 0 reason I can't drag and drop in 2014, there is even less reason to lock the phone to one PC when I personally have 5 in my house(I'm a fuckin nerd what can I say

). That and It keeps putting my contacts in twice, so I'll have two different contacts for my sister with numbers I deleted from the phone a year ago. I guess it's grabbing them from my Google Accounts? i don't know.
Overcomplicated hipster garbage. Waiting a bit for the bugs to get worked out and going to buy a Nexus 5 if they get good reviews, haven't looked for a while.
My Bodhi gear is doing great. Still stretching

Going to have to raise my light and raise the Em-Dog up a bit.