Club 600

Anyone for the icebucket challenge?.....ouch.
slightly better size....had to go and buy some bags as well as I ran out, fuk me 20 euro for 6 bags of ice (big windaes that shop!)
Time to bust out the bb washing machine bb:)
Started off with some Fireballs trim. Recently I have just frozen my trim straight from cutting from the plant (no dry). I've been getting really green water with my ice which is effecting the final product. So I dried a load and have ran both. The fireballs was frozen wet.
anyone for tea?
a bit green for my liking (this is the 70ish bag).
So, here's the first runs water with the dried dog material.
Not so green:) I think I'll be drying my trim again from now on....more pics of the hash after one days drying.
Ireland...Not so good a morning
Lovely morning here....makes a change from the pish raininees we have had over the last week plus...

Here's some of the hash today

this is the 37micron bag from the dried dog>


Dog 2nd run>
Dog first run:weed::hump:
Still got some of that pricey ice left, lol....but got to go collect the Yin from day care now so not sure if I'll run more through the bags today or not....probably not.


If anyone here hasn't done a coast to coast trip yet with your bf or gf, I recommend it! So much awesome quality time. 7500 mile trip from NY to CA and back to NY and I would do it again and again, just make sure you plan out where you need to stop for the night because driving around in the middle of no where trying to find a hotel sucks lol. But iit's so fun. When I moved to California after the road trip, we drove back here :) 12000 miles in 4 months, it may sound crazy, but I loved it

I have made that trip many of times while in my younger days following bands all over the country. My longest stretch was 6 months before coming home for awhile. I would love to do it again and just might if the Dead do a 50 year anniversary tour next year.

Here's the only girl I have outside right now.001.JPG
And here's a beautiful BP in veg. I'm still deciding when to flower her.003.JPG
Just got done replacing the broken muffler bracket with a much stronger one.
It's ugly, but it's heavy duty, and should help stop the muffler from vibrating too much.
I'll be adding two more straps to make sure it's not going anywhere.
Might even paint it.

Now, off to the dispensary!
Had a trip to the dentist for filling, and have to take amoxicillin for a leaky heart valve whenever I have a dental procedure.
Stuff makes me nauseous as heck, so I need some herbal remedy to soothe the tummy tum tum tum.

Yummi yummi!
Looks awesome. Bout the green water. Dont you spray your collected hash with clean water while it is still in the bag?
Get all that nasty green water of before it dries.. Makes a huge taste difference!
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yes, I do spray down with water, but I prefer seeing brownish water coming out of the hose rather than green. Even when spraying you still have leftover green I find. I tried soaking for 10 mins before running, I tried straight in the ice and water and run it, but still green.....not so with the dried material.

And guys, please feel free to pop by, you can babysit for me:)
I found the same thing running fresh trim and buds, was not happy with it. I never did run anything frozen.

Less agitation helps for quality allot. Each batch I'd run for maybe 6min... As you know I had practically the same machine as you.

As is the case with allot of grow related stuff it can be strain dependent.
And since I'm growing outside and have plenty of room for it, all males will be spearated and allowed to grow, their traits will be noted & recorded, and I'll be selectively splooging a branch from every female (clothes peg or tags zip-tied to the branches denoting the father) to get some good seeds from a mix of all genetics of the three.
man D... That hash looks taaaaastY! I have been thinking for a while I need to just get a machine and do the ice hash. Have bags already.

Maybe MO would have me out and show me how on his. :-) Should have a good chunk of trim in a few months to run.
I need to get some bags still. I am hopeing for a good out door harvest, and the octagon will be done and back to trimming:-)