The UK Growers Thread!

And you'd be right tiptop lol was watching the Lizard lads (took down the PlayStation network n xbox) n then that dribbling eejit starts talking complete n utter jibberish...reminded me of one of the lads in here
I'd seen that those networks got taken down, amused me greatly, but was more amused when i saw the story claiming that it was very possible it was the Islamist State making a point of until we stop bombing them we can't play computer games or some utter bollocks. If the news cant get us drooling to bomb the shit out of iraq, again, then maybe they can appeal to our emotions via disrupting our video games :lol:
Yeah, bloody hilarious :D I think it is a sign of just how fucked up present systems are, and how badly governments are failing at their job, when you can just log into a website and one sentence later cause a plane to divert and most likely military jets scramble. Makes you wonder who is really in control if all that can be achieved with one little word on a website.

In other news, i'm sat laughing my ass off at the years of trauma to come for that 9 year old girl who shot dead her gun instructor because the parents somehow felt it sensible to have her taught how to use an UZI. Hopefully those parents receive untold piles of shit for being such worthless people. But remember, guns don't kill people, people do. Their 9yr old girl is a bonafide killer, and she did it, not the gun :lol:
Yeah, bloody hilarious :D I think it is a sign of just how fucked up present systems are, and how badly governments are failing at their job, when you can just log into a website and one sentence later cause a plane to divert and most likely military jets scramble. Makes you wonder who is really in control if all that can be achieved with one little word on a website.

quick question since you are on one of your very rare visits here......what part of the big smoke is it you n kuroi hang out? n/s/e/w?
Check your PM/conversation thingy Sae.

And havn't listened to slipknot in ages and ages. I've by no means come to dislike metal, it still kicks ass, it' just been a very long time since i was in the mindset for that kind of music. Lifes pretty good for me at present so my music reflects that.
Check your PM/conversation thingy Sae.

And havn't listened to slipknot in ages and ages. I've by no means come to dislike metal, it still kicks ass, it' just been a very long time since i was in the mindset for that kind of music. Lifes pretty good for me at present so my music reflects that.

lol i know what you mean but slightly different for me, i like just whacking it on my headphones n going for a blast on a motorbike round the country lanes lol
The whole ice bucket thing pisses me off. The awareness has been raised, now it's just people trying to be cool like everyone else. At least it's free though, unlike the scam that is awareness wristbands etc.
The whole ice bucket thing pisses me off. The awareness has been raised, now it's just people trying to be cool like everyone else. At least it's free though, unlike the scam that is awareness wristbands etc.

lol as far as im aware the whole point of doing it is that you donate as well as doing the ice bucket
Didn't a woman die from a broken neck from doin that stupid fuckin challenge? Must of been a 50-70 litre bucket landed on her head from about 8 foot silly cunt couldn't hold it