Yeah, bloody hilariousI think it is a sign of just how fucked up present systems are, and how badly governments are failing at their job, when you can just log into a website and one sentence later cause a plane to divert and most likely military jets scramble. Makes you wonder who is really in control if all that can be achieved with one little word on a website.
Check your PM/conversation thingy Sae.
And havn't listened to slipknot in ages and ages. I've by no means come to dislike metal, it still kicks ass, it' just been a very long time since i was in the mindset for that kind of music. Lifes pretty good for me at present so my music reflects that.
cant understand all the fuss about teaching kids to shoot uzis, horseriding is more dangerous
The whole ice bucket thing pisses me off. The awareness has been raised, now it's just people trying to be cool like everyone else. At least it's free though, unlike the scam that is awareness wristbands etc.