We already know where you live; you'll have to put us up for the night. I like plain seltzer water and pemmicanMy friend says they are supposed to give away/sell the dog tomorrow. If that doesnt happen Ill give the address to all you hardcore muffuggas.
I appreciate your opinion, but I know for a fact the reason the dog was beat was because it wouldnt listen when told to ''get away from the carpet''. I was watching the whole thing on video. However lets use your example and say the dog was beat because it got close to some antifreeze...does that warrant 25-30 full force smacks?omg don't do a thing. i love animals but you don't know the situation what if that dog had just done something wrong like get in to a cabinet where you keep antifreeze i would beat the shit out of my dog so that they would never mess with that stuff again saving the dogs life in the long run. Its a sticky situation when you dont have all the fact. Like when a dad when strong arms his child in public i might not feel that its right but its not my place to say anything. Plus if it came back on you friend it would be all your fault. Sticky situation stay out.
omg don't do a thing. i love animals but you don't know the situation what if that dog had just done something wrong like get in to a cabinet where you keep antifreeze i would beat the shit out of my dog so that they would never mess with that stuff again saving the dogs life in the long run. Its a sticky situation when you dont have all the fact. Like when a dad when strong arms his child in public i might not feel that its right but its not my place to say anything. Plus if it came back on you friend it would be all your fault. Sticky situation stay out.
The only time i ever had to "beat" my dog, is when he attacked a smaller younger dog who was a guest in my home (and also happened to be born in my home, and then adopted by the guests who brought him to visit... which i was pretty sure wasn't a good idea, but had little control over the situation)... but 25-30 times? That's significantly excessive. I only struck my dog "a few times" (maybe 4-6, don't remember, was many years ago). You don't have to hit a dog 25-30 times, and if you do, it will potentially never fully recover from that type of abuse.omg don't do a thing. i love animals but you don't know the situation what if that dog had just done something wrong like get in to a cabinet where you keep antifreeze i would beat the shit out of my dog so that they would never mess with that stuff again saving the dogs life in the long run. Its a sticky situation when you dont have all the fact. Like when a dad when strong arms his child in public i might not feel that its right but its not my place to say anything. Plus if it came back on you friend it would be all your fault. Sticky situation stay out.
agreefuck the cops handle shit yourself
Nice legs! nice...never had to do anything but raise my voice to these fellers.
if the big one hears the words "bad boy", he becomes the saddest thing in the world.
Cops were called, its taken care of.