part time grower326
Well-Known Member
This is my 2nd first was in a closet with bagseeds and very few cfl bulbs.I ended up with plants that were way too tall and wrong nutrients and burnt them up ending with a whopping 9 grams of dried bud at the end.this time around I'm using a 12x12" 18" tall exoterra glass terrarium left over from a frog that I had.I covered it with mylar made a light hood out of cardboard and mylar plugged in some CFLs and planted some seeds.they are just some random seeds that I've saved from some OK stuff I've smoke (usually what I get has no seeds) but when its all I can find it'll do.I started with some cheap $1 bag soil and miracle grow fertilizer(worked fine my first go) planted sprouted seeds in some 3fl.oz plastic cups until they got rooted them transplanted them into some red solo cups then once I found my females I put them in some 4.5" pots.the miracle grow was only used for a couple weeks before I ordered fox farms grow big and tiger bloom (no big bloom this go). Veg lighting was from 4 26w 6500k cfl and flower is 2 68w and 2 55 watt 2700k CFLs.right now plants are mid week 5 of flowering and looking OK for small plants.after this harvest I'm going on with a new cabinet.this was all put together within a day or 2 and through the grow I've changed my box a few times adding a computer fan in my hood to push out the heat from the larger flower CFLs and I've made a few different hoods for I said I went cheap I know its not professional grade but just seeing how it would go.I own a grow bible and
the grow basics both by Jorge cervantes so those have been my go to advice givers.I will post some pics of what I have going right now and can add some pics from the start once I switch to my other phone that has the pics on it.(the phone I'm using now has a shitty camera so bear with me on the quality).
the grow basics both by Jorge cervantes so those have been my go to advice givers.I will post some pics of what I have going right now and can add some pics from the start once I switch to my other phone that has the pics on it.(the phone I'm using now has a shitty camera so bear with me on the quality).