men's rights!

yay idiot Social Justice Warriors (SJW) who think screaming rapists at anyone who question their ideology is a sound arguement. perfect accompaniment to the racist bigots on here
Statistically, a woman is more likely to be hurt by a man than she is to ever be eaten by a shark, hit by a car, be attacked by a bear, crash in a plane, or be bitten by a spider.

When a woman expresses fear of any of these events, she is still seen as a rational person.

When I tell people that I am afraid of swimming in the ocean because I’m afraid of sharks, they accept it almost without question.

But, when I tell people that I’m afraid of men, that men scare me more than sharks and spiders and freak plane accidents all combined, I immediately lose their respect.

I am considered elitist. I am considered sub-human.

-author unknown

The only right you need is the right to get the fuck outta here
The only right you need is the right to get the fuck outta here

artful composition, amiga.

N-words. I don't walk into a crowd of people and start shit. Because i know that would have bad consequences. I assess the potential for uncontrollable consequence, and make decisions accordingly.
The only thing that is stopping you from walking into a crowd and starting shit is knowing you're a bitch and would get your ass kicked. That's pretty fucked in the head to even think that way dawg.

In fact, this entire country is based on the art of "the con(fidence trick)." That's why there are so many tricksters and grifters and con-men (and women). It's encouraged! Haven't you ever heard that "women love confidence?" So that's a natural inclination to be attracted to the men most likely to exploit their trust. Someone should work on fixing that.
Naww they probably just don't want to fuck you cuz of your autistic fedora and constant fear of crowds because the only thing stopping you from attacking someone at random is knowing that you're gonna get you ass kicked so the me ladies know that you're more of a bitch than they are.
The only thing that is stopping you from walking into a crowd and starting shit is knowing you're a bitch and would get your ass kicked. That's pretty fucked in the head to even think that way dawg.
Not really, it's called "self-preservation." It means not doing things you know or can predict will get you hurt or killed.

Most people would get their asses kicked if they walked into a crowd and started shit with everyone at once. Fighting one capable person is hard enough. Fighting a dozen or more is pretty much a guaranteed series of severe injuries to yourself. I've had enough experience with injuries to know that i should avoid more of them when i can.
Not really, it's called "self-preservation." It means not doing things you know or can predict will get you hurt or killed.

Most people would get their asses kicked if they walked into a crowd and started shit with everyone at once. Fighting one capable person is hard enough. Fighting a dozen or more is pretty much a guaranteed series of severe injuries to yourself. I've had enough experience with injuries to know that i should avoid more of them when i can.
why the fuck would it cross someones mind who didn't have some form of autism to walk into a crowd and start fighting with random people? You sound quite lanzaesque to me.
I mean really, who hasn't had homicidal thoughts about their jerk roommates? Doesn't mean i have to act on them, but i can see how someone might be extremely frustrated by their cohabitants.