men's rights!

You haven't had serious relationship with a woman not related you i'm guessing?

Women wear makeup for a variety of different reasons from societal and workplace expectations or to just feel good about themselves on a fancy night out with the girls.

Your argument isn't very solid and somewhat misogynistic.
no dude, i was contrasting NoDrama's statement; it's not that they ARE unattractive, but that they THINK they are, which is what creates the need to compensate for their perceived aesthetic flaws... which may in fact have more to do with a cognitive deficiency or psychological disturbance (which may in fact be socially imposed), rather than them actually being aesthetically unappealing.

Or maybe they're actually ugly. Who knows. I tend not to judge people harshly for minor or moderate aesthetic issues. They definitely aren't putting on makeup for me, so i see it as a waste of their time, especially if they're only doing it to compete with other better looking women, against whom they stand zero chance of snaring their preferred Sir Loin at the next friday night meat market. Aesthetic appeal and willingness to engage, becomes a type of currency, and the choicest cut goes to the highest bidder(s), and everyone else either takes the next best they can get, or ignores everyone but the "alpha," and goes home and cries about how "there are no good guys," even though they don't even bother to meet anyone who doesn't catch their eye, strike their fancy and grease their rails from a mile away.

Women love to pretend innocence while behaving just as piggish as the men they decry; as if no one will notice.

I assume there are exceptions to the generalized stereotype, but i've never actually met one.
So you're saying that's how women actually think?

I don't believe it.

when did i say anything about how women think? i will let the facts about sexual assault speak for themselves.

what i did say, or puzzle about, is if you are unable to keep yourself from raping in the same way a lion is unable to keep itself from attacking prey for food.

seems like that would make you a sexual predator.
So check it out:

If men have no "men's rights," and women demand "equal treatment," then guess what?

They don't get any "women's rights" either.

Let's be equal, let's be fair. Everybody is everybody and everything is everything.

If you want me to acknowledge your rights, you have to acknowledge mine. And in my case, you have to go first because i refuse to trust anyone who won't earn it.
So check it out:

If men have no "men's rights," and women demand "equal treatment," then guess what?

They don't get any "women's rights" either.

Let's be equal, let's be fair. Everybody is everybody and everything is everything.

If you want me to acknowledge your rights, you have to acknowledge mine. And in my case, you have to go first because i refuse to trust anyone who won't earn it.

i bet you get laid a ton.
when did i say anything about how women think? i will let the facts about sexual assault speak for themselves.

what i did say, or puzzle about, is if you are unable to keep yourself from raping in the same way a lion is unable to keep itself from attacking prey for food.

seems like that would make you a sexual predator.
I'm pretty high on the self-control and restraint spectrum... but there are "lions" out there, and i've seen far too many women go leaping into their cages, as if they expected to be safe.
I was flipping around the channels today and saw a bicycle race was on.
Pretty boring but I got to thinking where are the women racers?

Not sure I ever saw an all women bike race.
Vollyball is ok but they mostly look like lesbians.
why did you omit the part where i identified you as a holocaust denier?

You identified yourself as a rapist - even your ducks are scared of you!
