the nicotine junkie thread

This is your Captain speaking, smoke 'em if you got 'em rawr rawr.






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I smoke cigs mostly canadian classics or rollies (roll your own cigs with cig roller) and i like flavored cigars, most weed smokers here smoke cigs, like 9/10
well idk if they're flavored or not but the last time i had mini cigars, 10 of them came in a white pack with white filters on the ends. tastes a lot better then cigs but can't remember a distinct flavor
I smoke, dip, have a hookah and a badass pipe with some great pipe tobacco and enjoy the occasional cigar. Smoking and coffee is just one of those amazing combos. it helps me shit too, always a plus. At this point the only proper way to shit is with a dip in for me lol. And if I'm super stressed, smoke and dip at the same time. Multitasking.
I smoke, dip, have a hookah and a badass pipe with some great pipe tobacco and enjoy the occasional cigar. Smoking and coffee is just one of those amazing combos. it helps me shit too, always a plus. At this point the only proper way to shit is with a dip in for me lol. And if I'm super stressed, smoke and dip at the same time. Multitasking.

smoke and dip at the same time? i'd pass out from the nicotine rush lol
Its been over 3 years since my last nicotine. Only time I miss it is every now and then I'll smell someone elses on hot summer day and think, hhmmm yum. But, the bong hits have improved, as has the flavor of everything. My wallet certainly appreciates and I can pedal my bike for 30 miles and not get winded. And take more bong hits! And dabs! And big fat joints all slathered in wax, on a bike ride not getting winded.

Please enjoy your smokes. You can have the ones I'm not using!
Almost forgot the best part. It used to be sometimes I would wake up out of smokes, or end up somewhere with out them. It tended to turn me into a total jerk to people I loved for no good reason at all. This has stopped and I am glad. I've always been amazed how much I like weed but manage to go without when that is how it is. Damn nicotine though, turn me into a shit talking 3 year old brat.
Damn, I haven't smoked a cigarette in a week and now I'm going to.. This pack is collecting dust anyways.. Ahh 27's.. Yumyum.
After Shangri-La though, I told myself I wouldn't. And it's really not that hard.

Totes tokes ze ceremonial baccy on sacred ground though :joint::hump:

The overwealming majority of shi

Shisha , is overwhelming made out of oriental/turkish tobacco varitys that mostly have very low nicotine levels , It;s also grown in regions that are not conducive to growing nicotine rich tobacco . However the oriental/turkish varitys are said to be some of the most mild smoke becouse of high surcoester levels , in combo with their sun dryed leaves