Club 600

I have the dehumidifier set on 50 like and just up the hps 2 600w I would do mh aswell but the bulbs only a 400 I'm gona put the hps in morning so they both on 600
Strictly seedless has those exact ones... 2 of them back to back. They work wonders. Really easy to put up and yeah, a little glue or whatever and you are good to go.

Fucking Aliens always get me too high.

Went to a bar tonight, was helping a band set up/ break down. Been quite a few years since I've been in a bar. 2 things I had forgotten. How much I dislike drunk people... and how much I like hot women. Holy shit! :)

Nearly got myself in trouble.

How about drunk hot chicks?
Drunk sloppy chicks are not hot no matter how fine thay are. I am with you jig i dont do well with drunk folks, and i hate the face talkers that want to spit on you all night:spew:

Only ran into one sloppy drunk all night... right when I got there at the door... thought it was a bad sign of things to come, but the gal seemed to be the only one that lost. Crazy how unattractive it is to be that bad. She said it was her 28th birthday. I could have sworn she was quite a bit older than me, and I'm 35 now. She couldn't figure out how to get from where we were to the door... which was approximately 5 feet away. Not sure what the issue was, but she couldn't get... "Over there.... that door.... that guy taking tickets.... right there"

That's funny about the electricity DST. Why not run ALL the lights!!!