men's rights!


Well-Known Member
Statistically, a woman is more likely to be hurt by a man than she is to ever be eaten by a shark, hit by a car, be attacked by a bear, crash in a plane, or be bitten by a spider.

When a woman expresses fear of any of these events, she is still seen as a rational person.

When I tell people that I am afraid of swimming in the ocean because I’m afraid of sharks, they accept it almost without question.

But, when I tell people that I’m afraid of men, that men scare me more than sharks and spiders and freak plane accidents all combined, I immediately lose their respect.

I am considered elitist. I am considered sub-human.

-author unknown
Statistically, a woman is more likely to be hurt by a man than she is to ever be eaten by a shark, hit by a car, be attacked by a bear, crash in a plane, or be bitten by a spider.

When a woman expresses fear of any of these events, she is still seen as a rational person.

When I tell people that I am afraid of swimming in the ocean because I’m afraid of sharks, they accept it almost without question.

But, when I tell people that I’m afraid of men, that men scare me more than sharks and spiders and freak plane accidents all combined, I immediately lose their respect.

I am considered elitist. I am considered sub-human.

-author unknown

If the author is unknown why ask?

I swear Pada's stupidity is is getting under your skin.
this is the most hilarious page that i have ever run across.

i pity the men who believe in this.


if she is drunk, then it is not rape.

got it.

when will the courts stop persecuting men who get women drunk and have sex with them against their will?
when will the courts stop persecuting men who get women drunk and have sex with them against their will?

Could you clarify that?

If I'm with a woman and she buys a bottle of alcohol for us, did she "get me drunk"?

If a man or a woman is over 21 and decides to drink, they get themselves drunk.

Could a man get out of a DUI because "somebody else got him drunk" and he chose to get behind the wheel?
Could you clarify that?

If I'm with a woman and she buys a bottle of alcohol for us, did she "get me drunk"?

If a man or a woman is over 21 and decides to drink, they get themselves drunk.

Could a man get out of a DUI because "somebody else got him drunk" and he chose to get behind the wheel?

what do i need to clarify?

if you're both drunk, it is NOT rape as she cries "NO!".

she chose to get drunk, she can live with the consequence of you raping her.
what do i need to clarify?

if you're both drunk, it is NOT rape as she cries "NO!".

she chose to get drunk, she can live with the consequence of you raping her.

Clarify how a man can get a woman drunk after she chooses to drink alcohol

I'm sure it doesn't work the same way with reversed genders, and I would never blame a woman for my actions after I decided to drink alcohol, even if she bought the bottle

If you're both drunk, and either of you say "no", it's rape

Getting drunk does not equate to consent, and drunk people make decisions while intoxicated all the time. If you sleep with someone while you're drunk and it's consentual at the time, then when you wake up sober and regret it, it's still not rape. It's a bad decision you made under the influence.
stop persecuting men! this is serious!

I'd ask how you ever expect to be taken seriously when you're never serious about anything yourself, but you use this site as an outlet to troll, you don't want to give or receive serious answers. That seems like an endless circlejerk to me, but I guess you get some kind of benefit out of it, otherwise you wouldn't have 60K+ posts, right..?

Like WORDZ, this'll be my last post about this to you in this thread, so enjoy the rest of your night
I'd ask how you ever expect to be taken seriously when you're never serious about anything yourself, but you use this site as an outlet to troll, you don't want to give or receive serious answers. That seems like an endless circlejerk to me, but I guess you get some kind of benefit out of it, otherwise you wouldn't have 60K+ posts, right..?

Like WORDZ, this'll be my last post about this to you in this thread, so enjoy the rest of your night

dude, it's not rape when she's drunk.

that slut owes it to you, right?

the "men's rights" movement just smacks of elliot rodgers in this sick way. stop defending it.
Very few people believe in men's rights.

And frankly, i'm not sure we actually have any.

What if a woman knowingly chooses to inebriate herself beyond her expectation of limits, and then someone else rapes her. Am i now an accomplice, because i did not intervene and prevent her from making a bad choice (fully of her own accord)?

Either way, you can assume she'll at least partly blame me, because i didn't interfere with her responsible adult choice-making.

Too many people out there, just seem to be waiting for the next opportunity to make another bad choice, and then blame anyone but themselves for the outcome.

"If you play with fire, you'll get burned."

If you know some men are dangerous, but you still choose to act recklessly and carelessly around them... what the fuck do you think is going to happen? The same goddamn thing that happens when anyone places themselves into a known high-risk situation, without proper precautions: THEY GET FUCKED.

"Any advantage given, will be taken."

And it's not just rape, it's EVERYTHING. People, everywhere, of all genders, are just waiting for the next vulnerable target to walk by, so they can exploit them somehow. There are many different types of non-sexual rape, being imposed upon many people, all around the world, at any given moment.

This is not a "women versus men" issue, regardless of how much the "feminists" want to make it that.

Some people are predators, and some are prey. We are merely ANIMALS, regardless of our apparently relatively superior intellectual capacity, and animals do whatever the fuck they want until something stops them. If you can't physically overpower them, and you KNOW they walk among you... then you should also automatically know, that you need to remain vigilant in prioritizing your own safety, which DOES NOT INCLUDE being publicly shitfaced, around total strangers (potential predators), to the point of lost consciousness.
i "raped" someone before

i fucked a chick one time who was like really drunk

then she said i raped her the next morning

like the bitch SUCKED MY DICK i didnt say bitch i will kill u if you suck my dick

she kinda just did it

she told me that her brother would kick my ass too

and all he did was text me and say "dude tht is funny as shit"
WOW...sad thing is some men will say this
if you are both drunk ,then it is not rape:shock: WTF
No means NO

I'm glad you realize at least some of the time that all people should be able to exercise control over their body and their justly acquired property. Of course you talk out of the other side of your mouth when the you want to use somebodies property against their will though don't you?