Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014




Still going strong out here. Got pennywise, Jesus og, Maui, widow, and micky kush in the dog kennel. And my roses are taking off. I'm hoping to have a wall of roses by next year.
I can name those roses....I like Ruby for the red one, Sammy for the Salmon colored one, and Penelope for the pink one!:lol:
WOW Sam, I think your on the wrong grow site!
Some roses are just bushes, floribundas, some roses are bred to climb fences, buildings, old cars in
My area of expertise is old HT's, hybrid teas, from 1900 up to WWII. A group of roses called Pernetianas, bred by a guy named Joseph Pernet-Ducher from Lyon, France. :-)
Do you teach this?....:shock:
Do you teach this?....:shock:

Good gawd, no. I've written articles for different rose societies about them, given talks at rose conferences and did the almost impossible with an old rose named McGreedy's Sunset. I entered it in a rose show and a few other old hybrid teas, for laughs cuz the hoity toitys said they'd never win and after the judging I saw my roses had second place, third place but I couldn't find McGreedys Sunset, so I told my friend it must have been so awful they dumped it. But, she came back smiling and said, they didn't dump it, it won. Best Hybrid Tea, Open Bloom. I was stoked.
I tried cloning some of my land lady's roses with an aero cloner with zero luck:'( on the other hand I clone my tomatoes and peppers at nearly a 100% rate of success. this was last year. Will be hitting you up at the bbq sam for some tips!

How long did pepper take to root

I'm the champ. everyone else is below me jk lol
Their prices aren't bad, $15.00 + shipping, but you get a deal if you order 3 or more.
Someday in the not too distant future pot will be like this where they have nurseries and they ship. :-)
I may need to hire you if interested, or get some professional consultation from you. I'm currently adding an addition to my home, and will be re-doing my side yard landscaping this winter after the addition is done. I want a garden of many fragrances, Roses, Jasmine, Honey suckle, and a few others. It would be nice to have someone to point me in the right direction on this project. I have no rose knowledge, climbers, which ones smell better than others, drought resistant, soil/area prep, so many questions.
