Daily Grow Tips (with pics)


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear it :(

reminds me of a tip i got taught when i first started growing...

always set up a catch chain for your lights so they cant fall on the plants or worse, on the ground and shatter. this catch chain normally hangs slack because it isnt what holds the lights in their hanging position it is just there in case you become a clumsy stoner.... been many times this habit has made me give a sigh of relief.

gravity sucks.
Indeed gravity does suck. Too bad I made the stoner move and didn't think of an extra chain. Thanks for your advice! Everyone listen to BFQ. Rep+ to you my friend.

I woke up and went to check on the babies... the light i JUST bought on craigslist fell on the two smallest plants, dumping out their soil, and breaking one right in half. Is glass a good nutrient? Cuz it's in there now! :cry:

Thanks for this thread and all of the awesomeness that shall come from it:blsmoke:.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
I am sorry for your luck there ravioli...don't get down.This can be a frustrating hobby sometimes,mainly cause you got too much time to think....lol...is it ready yet?...^^^^^:joint:


Active Member
I am definatly going to try "The Bannana Religion"! I am a first time grower and have had 6 males so far! I've only been doing 2 plants @ a time, though.


Well-Known Member
here is a tip for the new day on germing.

whichever method is easiest for you, be sure to germ your seeds before popping them into the grow medium. it may seem like an unneeded step but after you spend a week or two watering and dealing with a dead pot in your grow it will make sense why most of us advocate making sure our seeds crack before dropping em in the grow.

the method for germing i prefer is i put them in between damp paper towels which are sandwiched between two plates and put in a drawer for a couple days... do NOT have a stoner moment like i have and forget about them for a week or they will turn into really long sprouts and have a hard time surviving being placed into the grow medium because you cant get the medium tight around them without damaging them.

air around a freshly planted sprout will kill them.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Scuffing is another good germination tip...cut a small piece of sand paper the right size to roll up and fit in a pill bottle,rough side in,drop in your seeds,pop on the top and shake vigorously...this puts abrasions on the hard seed husks,allowing easier moisture penetration....this tip will help to germinate more...and faster.
my technique is slightly different from bfq....wet a paper coffee filter,drop on seeds and fold,and slide into a baggie.Don't seal it up...keep it wet inside and check every 12 hours.

Good Growing!!!...^^^^:joint:


Well-Known Member
forgot all about scuffing! was a loooong time ago i read about that and i always meant to try it out :)


Well-Known Member
wow satman I really like this thread! shame it cant be tabbed some way for qucik reffrence but I guess the whole site is kinda tabbed! well anyway here is my first contribution! btw +rep to ya for this one!

When I started my grow I was using cfl and as the plants grew was having trouble getting light to where I needed it so I built a pvc structure to hold it.

this was how I started. This quickly became a problem as the plants grow quickly! (yes I like the word quickly!:twisted:)

shortly after I had these going I had to get a new tray and figure out a way to keep my lights where I needed them and be able to raise them as my plants grew. I came up with this pvc structure. The main thing was that I had a unglued coupling on the vertical legs so that I could raise the whole structure as the plants grew. with tie wraps I was able to keep the cords manageable.

these are all pics from my journal so you can ignore the hps tag on the pics.

Next time I do this I will also have lights on the side as well. with the cfl the is so lil heat and they are so cheap you can really put them everywhere!

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Great Tip,hhm....How about some homemade reflectors for those cfl's? You seem to be good with your hands.Sometimes for me its cheaper to make it myself....


Well-Known Member
i don't know if you want to consider this a tip, i don't know of any scientific proof to validate it, but it did work for me, it really can't hurt...i read in a thread on this site about the "banana religion", i don't want to post unproven info, but i got 3/3 females, first time grower,

i found this when i googled it:
The Banana Religion

I call it a religion because I believe this works; I have no scientific evidence that it does. It is a religion because it is not factual, otherwise I'd call it a science.

Don't ask me for links because I don't have any, but in my time here I have read that MJ plants' sex is not determined until the plant is 3 to 4 weeks old. I have also read that ethylene gas influences plants to be female. That's all plants, not just MJ.

All ripening fruit gives off ethylene gas and bananas and apples are supposed to be high in ethylene gas as they ripen. I prefer bananas.

So - as many of you have seen - I put a banana at the base of a plant I want to be female. I put it there when the plant is 3 weeks old & keep one there for two weeks. I'll keep one there until it turns black - I don't want bugs - then I put a new one down if needed. I've had success with 4 plants (out of 4) that I have tried putting a banana under. Another member of GC is 2 for 2 and now I have a banana under my current plant.

Bananas are cheap - cheaper than feminized seeds! It may be a crazy idea, but I'm interested to hear of any other "banana trials".

I changed my bananas well before get the black, no mold at all, and used a total of 2 bananas per plant, cost me like a buck total to try this
I BELIEVE!!!!! I say I BELIEVE!!!! {its a religious thing}
but what do ya do with all them bannanas when your done with em????
well ya make plant food.
I make my batches an Freeze them. and when I thaw it out to use
I add the water. and feed....an dem like it.
heres another little tip to help beat that ol summer time heat....
make beer. or wine.
Daytime conditions should be 70-80 degrees without co2, 80-90 degrees with co2 until the last two weeks when daytime temps should be kept between 70-80 and co2 can be reduced to adjust for the lower metabolism.
The really neat thing is YOU can cool yourself down latter with
whats left over from making da CO2

P.S. ended up with one boy out of 8 plants...
Kept 2, girls and trashed the rest when I learned the true meaning of the word yeild.
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satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to say thanx to all the new faces....HHM...bfq,thanks to you and all the others who have left tips....over 700 views in 2 days,so somebody likes it here


Well-Known Member
MrsMcGreggor and Da Bunny are a great source of botanical info as well as a bright spot on any day :D

hhm under values his knowledge... he may still be new at this but he has aptitude and a serious hardware advantage that has accelerated his learning curve faster than he thinks.

i just woke up, so for me it is a new day.... here is a tip first thing... hope it makes sense and doesnt piss anybody off :p

don't blindly believe everything you read! no matter who the source! even JC writes some inaccurate stuff! and also, not all methods that work for one grower or grow style will work in others... case in point, molasses... if you are a chemical farmer you wont get good results (and maybe even horrific ones) out of using molasses on your grow because the chemicals and organics work differently... one shot of hydrogen-peroxide and all the micro-organisms that molasses set up are cooked ;)

short explanation: your mileage can (and will) vary!

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
MrsMcGreggor and Da Bunny are a great source of botanical info as well as a bright spot on any day :D

hhm under values his knowledge... he may still be new at this but he has aptitude and a serious hardware advantage that has accelerated his learning curve faster than he thinks.

i just woke up, so for me it is a new day.... here is a tip first thing... hope it makes sense and doesnt piss anybody off :p

don't blindly believe everything you read! no matter who the source! even JC writes some inaccurate stuff! and also, not all methods that work for one grower or grow style will work in others... case in point, molasses... if you are a chemical farmer you wont get good results (and maybe even horrific ones) out of using molasses on your grow because the chemicals and organics work differently... one shot of hydrogen-peroxide and all the micro-organisms that molasses set up are cooked ;)

short explanation: your mileage can (and will) vary!

I agree...one of the biggest factors affecting your first crop.....How fast you learn.
bfq,I have seen the advice you give too...we all possess access to the same info,but some explain it better than others...you are a master at it...:hump:

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
The hardest thing for me to do,was to learn to just leave it alone...sometimes we do more damage than good worrying about every single leaf spot that shows up...Inspect your plants,love your plants....just don't love them to death


Well-Known Member
The hardest thing for me to do,was to learn to just leave it alone...sometimes we do more damage than good worrying about every single leaf spot that shows up...Inspect your plants,love your plants....just don't love them to death
that is the hardest thing for ALL of us to grasp!!!!

for a bunch of laid back stoners we sure are awfully uptight about our plants!

thanks for the compliment, but really it is just the law of averages at work... i talk so much that i get to do it right now and again :joint: