Leaves clawing, but are otherwise heathy?


Well-Known Member
Lol, youre wrong bro. WATTS DO ADD. LUMENS DO NOT! Sheesh.

If I run TWO 42 watt CFL's, THEY ADD. Thats 84 watts of power you are drawing. WATTS ADD WATTS ADD WATTS ADD.

LUMENS do not add. Lumens are a measurement of light intensity. Two lights of the same intensity will not be more intense, they will simply cover a larger area with THAT SAME INTENSITY.

This is basic stuff. Anyway, Im pretty sure I figured out what my problem was. I think i clogged the stomatas by smoking with the plant frequently. Honkeytown, do you smoke with/near your plants? Ive been spraying them on the underside of the leaves and they seem to be improving.
I hate to say it but you are fuckin dumb...yeah I said it. if you are looking at electricity from an electricians point of view then yes...it is important to add wattage...but plants are a different science homie.....seriously I dont mean to be a dick bro...and yes I smoke around my plants....but I also grow great shit so I am not concerned about it. plus i smoke buglers which dont have all the nasty ass additives that my old camel wides had.


Well-Known Member
I hate to say it but you are fuckin dumb...yeah I said it. if you are looking at electricity from an electricians point of view then yes...it is important to add wattage...but plants are a different science homie.....seriously I dont mean to be a dick bro...and yes I smoke around my plants....but I also grow great shit so I am not concerned about it. plus i smoke buglers which dont have all the nasty ass additives that my old camel wides had.
Ok, so youve confirmed two things for me.

1. Leaves clawing is due to smoking with the plants.
2. You dont know anything about electricity, and are a name caller?

While I thank you for confirming my problem, I think I could have done without the flagrant douchebaggery. Like I said, watts add, lumens dont. If you dont understand that, thats fine. But dont call me the dumbass when its you who doesnt understand.


Well-Known Member
i ment watts do not add you could have a 23w cfl and get 3000l and have a 100 watt which will give 2000l lumens are what adds adding watts would only equal more power used say a cfl would draw 10000l instead of an hps which only draws 400wand gets like 7000l lets pretend. Oh wait watts do add to your electric bill lol thats about it. You do need some kinda of wattage to get lumens to get bud unless of course u are using sunlight just some have a higher lumens per watt ratio which is what im talking about. further more watts along with colors of lights do not add more colors would only add to the spectrum like adding red with yellow and green however green+green doesnt equal double green its still green so i would think having 2+ green spectrum bulbs is unessacary iwould try an even out the spectrum like the sun
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Well-Known Member
Lol, youre wrong bro. WATTS DO ADD. LUMENS DO NOT! Sheesh.

If I run TWO 42 watt CFL's, THEY ADD. Thats 84 watts of power you are drawing. WATTS ADD WATTS ADD WATTS ADD.

LUMENS do not add. Lumens are a measurement of light intensity. Two lights of the same intensity will not be more intense, they will simply cover a larger area with THAT SAME INTENSITY.

This is basic stuff. Anyway, Im pretty sure I figured out what my problem was. I think i clogged the stomatas by smoking with the plant frequently. Honkeytown, do you smoke with/near your plants? Ive been spraying them on the underside of the leaves and they seem to be improving.
Now im confused here isnt covering a larger area like adding buy increasing the coverage doh!

Also i dont see any yellowing the only defficentcy i see is lack of light getting to certain areas try adding reflectors also what kind of soil u using soil with added nutes ??? if so have u added nutes well bingo that is your answer too many nutes for vegging prolly too much n if anything prolly too much p and k also. i would give them a dry/wet cycle let the soil dry out really good then flush the soil with good water like spring or distilled then ur claws will go away in a day or 2 that happend 2 me on my last attempt over nuting that could be ur problem maybe not


Active Member
lol both watts and lumens can add, only lumens add more light. Watts are just the power consumption, as stated, not a measure of light intensity. Lumens are the measure of light intensity. I think you guys are just confusing each other.


Well-Known Member
lol both watts and lumens can add, only lumens add more light. Watts are just the power consumption, as stated, not a measure of light intensity. Lumens are the measure of light intensity. I think you guys are just confusing each other.

EXACTLY. Thank you, and + rep.

Watts add, which is a direct measurement of power consumption. 400 watts is 400 watts regardless if its being drawn from one fixture, or 10. Lumens are a measurement of light intensity. More lumens means you have MORE of that light, but the intensity of it never changes.

Anyway, the whole purpose of this thread was for my clawing leaves. Im 95% sure now that its from smoking with my plants. I believe the smoke is clogging the stomatas on the underside of the leaf, causing the curling. Ive been spraying the underside of the leaves, and they seem to be improving.


Well-Known Member
Dude Senor, I have been having this same problem myself. I'm talking about the clawing, AND the very unintelligent portion of RIU arguing about which they know nothing about. LUMENS DO NOT ADD UP, THE END. There you go. The wattage thing, about them not adding up, 420newbieg has successfully wasted all of everyone's time. I am an electronics student with a wealth of knowledge on the subject of watts and such. Watts definitely, without a doubt at all(read a fucking book for gods sake) add up. Its a measurement of power consumption, thats what its for. OF COURSE if you have 2 lights you're using twice as much power as one, duh. I will say however that wattage has nothing to do with the actual light output you get, all that matters is light output(if there was a 50000 lumen bulb out there that operated at 23 watts, fucking sign me up and my 23 watt grow will kick your ass).


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the dankness... I think ive pinpointed the problem to what appears to be clogged stomatas due to regular smoking with the plants. I havent stopped smoking with them, but ive been spraying the undersides of the leaves with plain water as often as possible. Most of the clawing has subsided, and the effected leaves returned normal. I also used some hydrogen peroxide in the watering water, not sure if this also helped do the trick.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the dankness... I think ive pinpointed the problem to what appears to be clogged stomatas due to regular smoking with the plants. I havent stopped smoking with them, but ive been spraying the undersides of the leaves with plain water as often as possible. Most of the clawing has subsided, and the effected leaves returned normal. I also used some hydrogen peroxide in the watering water, not sure if this also helped do the trick.
Hmmm, Ive never heard of this bottom leaf spraying technique, but they returned to normal completely? Good work man, I'll have to give it a try. I was under the impression that those leaves were going to stay like that until the plant got a little bigger and I cut them off. rep+


Active Member
Well heres the basics... about 480w of CFL light on my girls, two fans, temps at 85 on, 75 off, 45% humidity. 18 days since switching to 12/12, about 14 days since showing sex. This is a picture of my biggest plant, which began clawing/drooping first. I didnt worry too much about it initially, but now more of my plants have begun to show similar symptoms, so now I'm asking. I tried switching up the watering, but i havent watered this plant in 5 days, and its still looking ike this (although the soil is still holding moisture). Normally I water every day (and before you jump on me for that hear me out). I water every day because I water them less... some of them are in fairly small pots that require frequent watering. So because i water every day, i only give them a small amount of water. Well anyways, ive tried watering less, tried more, nothing changes. Im still giving them veg nutes (29-3-4) as they still have some yellowing on the lower leaves. Im also giving them a flowering nute (0-15-15 slow release). No burn, just weird looking leaves. The leaves FEEL completely normal, not crunchy at all.
I have a feeling it might be overwatering, but I really dont give them much water (although I will admit this is my first REAL grow).

They are not liking your light source. What type of bulb are you using in there? Try switching to some gro-lux T5's or something and they will perk right back up.


Active Member
Watts add, lumens do not. I am drawing 500 watts of power. If i ran two 42w cfl's, id be drawing 84 watts of power per hour. Lumens on the other hand... if i have two 8000 lumen lights, i have a total of 8000 lumens. Lumens do not add.

Im going to give them some h202 in a few minutes, hopefully theyll perk up.
... well infact lumens do stack...it takes grade 3 science to show the obvious,,,get two identicle lights turn them on in the dark...then overlap the footprint...any grade 2 or 3 kid interested in this simple science for dummies will figure it out,,,guess what its brighter were the two lights overlaqp...duh!


Well-Known Member
I've done this loads of times b4 learning my lesson. If the plants are getting big in small pots then u are looking for a slight run- off. Not small amount everyday - that's for little clones in little pots. The roots at the bottom of ur pot aren't using it up b4 u give more - hence the heavy weight. Let them dry, check the weight then water with run-off (even if that means weakening the nutes). In soil you could just be watering 2-3 times a week. This way it will be evenly moist and not bottom water-logged. Let the air get to those roots.