white widow,trance,ata tundra - SSH to follow


Well-Known Member
alright mate ya plants are lookin sound as big as they should be for the time they ve been growin i think ya gonna struggle (4 weeks) the ata s would be ok out side after 4 weeks they will stand the cold if ya could find a place for 1 or 2 gorilla might be worth thinkin about


Well-Known Member
hey, thanks guys.

got a few more pics to upload. i also bought a thermometer and a PH tester.

3 plants were transplanted : the Trance because it was the biggest and a couple of the ata tundra. these were replanted in 15cm pots. its a good job i did because the roots were getting really stretched and probably stopping the plants from growing. see pics.

on the weekend i also bought some nutes and obviously some more pots. the rest of the plants were potted into 13cm pots becoz basicly the store was out of 15cm ones and i had bought the last pack the day b4. so i had to get 5x13cm pots which was ok bcoz these plants wernt as big as others.

after repotting them i give them water which had molasses (1 t spoon) and canna nutes for flowering, i forgot what NPK these were but ill check later. i put 10ml of this stuff in with 1 gal of water which also had the molasses in. i would of thought this would be alright. if not, someone correct me,lol.

PH level was 5 or below. which is very acid. i need to look at how to neutral it out after this post.

temps were good. around 68F with the lights off and low 80s with lights on.

also my white widow has started to smell abit :p ahh she smells nice.

the first pic is an ata tundra. pic 2 is Trance next to my nutes. pic 3 is Trance roots at day 20 and 4th pic is white widow roots at day 20.



Well-Known Member
just checked and my PH seems to be fine. the plants obviously want a acidic PH. so i think ill stick with my PH 5.

also this morning when i checked them, 1 pot had fallen over. one of the little ata tundras. i put it back in its pot and tried to repot it. ill have to see how its doing after i finish work.


Well-Known Member
hey, thanks guys.

got a few more pics to upload. i also bought a thermometer and a PH tester.

3 plants were transplanted : the Trance because it was the biggest and a couple of the ata tundra. these were replanted in 15cm pots. its a good job i did because the roots were getting really stretched and probably stopping the plants from growing. see pics.

on the weekend i also bought some nutes and obviously some more pots. the rest of the plants were potted into 13cm pots becoz basicly the store was out of 15cm ones and i had bought the last pack the day b4. so i had to get 5x13cm pots which was ok bcoz these plants wernt as big as others.

after repotting them i give them water which had molasses (1 t spoon) and canna nutes for flowering, i forgot what NPK these were but ill check later. i put 10ml of this stuff in with 1 gal of water which also had the molasses in. i would of thought this would be alright. if not, someone correct me,lol.

PH level was 5 or below. which is very acid. i need to look at how to neutral it out after this post.

temps were good. around 68F with the lights off and low 80s with lights on.

also my white widow has started to smell abit :p ahh she smells nice.

the first pic is an ata tundra. pic 2 is Trance next to my nutes. pic 3 is Trance roots at day 20 and 4th pic is white widow roots at day 20.
Ok sounds good brotha cept the nutes, Not sure what kinda nutes you got but you usually WEEN them onto them. Whatever the label recommended for a gallon Mine was 5ml. I started at half that strength till they got use to it, also after u add nutes ur ph should be effected by this Either taking it up or down, so always PH test after adding nutes.

just checked and my PH seems to be fine. the plants obviously want a acidic PH. so i think ill stick with my PH 5.

also this morning when i checked them, 1 pot had fallen over. one of the little ata tundras. i put it back in its pot and tried to repot it. ill have to see how its doing after i finish work.
UR growing in soil brotha ph 5 isnt gonna cut it tahts WAY TOO low.. Your plants may be fine now, but ur nutes and everything else ur plant needs is going to get LOCKED out cause of the PH being too low, for soil you need atleast above a 6 in ph and no more then 7. Most nutes are uptaken at the ph level around 6.5 I do 6.7

The only way ph 5 would be alright is if you were growing in a hydroponic setup, cause water usually should be at 5.5, but since ur in soil you need to hit that ph 5 to atleast 6.5 man. To get it up or down just go get ph up and ph down. Afew drops of that n adjusts as needed. Remember always check PH after adding nutes n start at half strength instead of full strength. I hope all this helps good luck man


Well-Known Member
yer i did all that. the nutes said use 100ml per 1000 littres or some shit like that. i only used a tiny bit of nutes anyway and i did a PH test the day AFTER the nutes, so it give it time to set in.

i read on the grow FAQ that plants like it quite acid and ph 5 was ok. can u confirm that? if not how can u higher my PH? i dont have any weird substances like bat poo or anything


Well-Known Member
also, what will happen if i keep my PH at 5? nothing? will they have better and quicker growth at a PH 6 or something?



Well-Known Member
Tru that about teh nutes, I'm not sure where you saw that, but everything i've found and read n been told is. For hydro grows 5.0-5.5 is good and for SOIL for good NUTE uptake is 6.0+ Usually 6.5 . Hey man since you've been doing it all this time already, ur plants might not even care n just be use to it, but what happens wit NUTEs is if the PH is below the recommended ph level to be uptaken they will be locked out and ur plant could... COULD start developing some deficiences .. Spelling. To lower or higher ur PH level all you have to do is go to whereever u got the TESTER, they should have little bottles of PHup and PHdown exactly what they are called. Ph up highers the level, ph down lowers it. Usually takes afew drops to get to where u want, then u retest. Thats it .


Well-Known Member
hmm well im gonna check the PH of the soil at some point to see what it brings it out at. my plants seem to be growing slightly. maybe something is stopping growth, could it be the PH?

the white widow is really picking up on smell now. it smells so sweet. some plants i can see buds starting to form etc.

i think ill just leave it for a week or so and see how they get on.

i didnt see any ph up and ph down in the shop i was in. it was just B&Q.

oh an i read the PH thing on the grow faq on this site.

im gonna try post few more pics up 2day, there starting to look great. i can tell by looking at them that there going strong and there nice an healthy. no drooping of leaves or colorings etc.


Well-Known Member
few more pics from today.

btw if any1 can advise me on LST and when i should start to bend then plz can they walk me through it. i dont wanna harm my plants.

heres the latest pics of the biggest ones i have for day 22.

first one is the biggest ata tundra

second is the trance which is the tallest plant i have

third is the whtie widow which is the smelly-ist (?) and one of the bushy-ist(?) plants i have.

so yer, if any1 can walk me through LST for my Trance plant then that'd be good. dont have enough height with the other plants to LST them.



Well-Known Member
Get 3 strings... teigh around each space between those branches on the 2nd pic..

thats 3 spaces u got to teigh them.... So u get the strings teigh'd around the stem...

..... now slowly pull the top one down, so that it bends.... grab the first string... teigh it someplace on the pot, i cut a slice in to it. So that i can slip the string through knot it and it holds.....

grab the 2. string teigh it down about 22.5° further away from first... Grab 3. string teigh down at again 22.5° further away.... .... so thats 67.5°

then the 4 branch grows big enough....... thats at 90°

5 branch @ 112.5

6 branch @ 135

7 branch @ 157.5

8 branch @ 180 °

.............. untill u hit 16 branches... u could also cut down to 8 ... so just 2x the degress i gave u there.. and you'll have a cool lst....



Well-Known Member
hmm, ill have a look later but i was thinking of using hooks tired down into the soil. but thanks for the info, ill use it for the hooks.

am i ok to start LST now? wont this mean i only get 1 side of bud sites?


Well-Known Member
infact no, ill use string as u said, i dont wanna catch any roots when planting hooks in the soil.

so do my plants look ok for what they are? still quite new to seeing how plants should develop as its my 1st grow.


Well-Known Member
infact no, ill use string as u said, i dont wanna catch any roots when planting hooks in the soil.

so do my plants look ok for what they are? still quite new to seeing how plants should develop as its my 1st grow.

as i said..... start with 3... she will still grow dude...

just hook each internode up with a string....

a remember to get a good circle u'll have to work with degree's... and she'll love you for it.... cuz of the light she can get... :) It will be equal overall......


peace man..

* and yes u can start....... * prob better now than later cuz she will get a hard stem then it will be risky......


Well-Known Member
yer ok. so if i just tie her down straight first, over to one side of the pot, then when she gets bigger i can go round and tie her down in a spiral kinda thing?

im gonna try and do it 2night after i finish work.



Well-Known Member
will be 2morro b4 i post pics. im at work using work internet. i dont have it at home yet. only just moved in to a new house. ill take pics when i get home.

they should be getting bigger soon, the nutes have helped. ill try find some string to tie em down 2night and report back 2morro


Well-Known Member
ok i had a look at LST and have a few questions. first of all, have i done it right?lol

next question, i have put the plant under the light for the night and all is well. the plant has grown another node. what is the best way to place the plant under the lights? rather 'head first' so that the top of the plant has light or along the stem for bud sites?

all of the plant has light, its just that its getting abit crowded now and its over growing to other plants for their light.

any suggestions?

oh and 1 of my ata tundra plants is showing some bud :D:D yey !!!! :mrgreen: another ata tundra is getting there, maybe 2night it will start budding abit and the white widow is stinky :p



Well-Known Member
congrats... okey but u could put a string around each internode...

i put arrows there.. and the black lines are strings...

sorry it looks crap... but its going around the pot the strings are... :)




Well-Known Member
well the plant is tied down atm. ill have to get the other internodes tired down. its growing big so i think i might have to replant it in a week or two. didnt have any string at home so will have to make do with the hook for now.

should have some pics 2morro of the plants budding. they smell sweet :)