Quantum Kush 38% THC?

I also think it's important to remember the history of the region and think about how the people have experienced life far different from our own experiences.

This region has mostly been ruled by dictators of one kind or another. This is what peopke have always known. You can't force feed democracy to people. Besides what is democracy? It takes many different shapes and it isn't a one size fits all form.
Someone mentioned to me the idea that we let germany take the wheel and we fund them to fix it. didnt make a whole lot of sense to me but they said that germans have a better history with iraqis. I just would like to see this go away without us having to throw stupid amounts of money at it like we do every other world conflict... not saying it wont take some spending and it will be far from petty cash by the time we are done but spending money on our own military does not feel like the appropriate route given rhe world conquest proportions of americas "defense" budget

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I tend to like option #1. Not because I'm a complete pacifist, but because I think it would be most effective.

I think part of their playbook is to draw us in to another war. They know that they can't "defeat" the American army in the traditional sense of the word, but they can garner support for their cause, and financially drain us dry. The Soviets never recovered from their incursion in to Afghanistan in the 80's. it was the precursor to their downfall.

I firmly believe that if the international community pulled out of the mid east, the infighting would accomplish what we never could. The Sunnis and Shiite's would obliterate one another. We could sit back, REALLY lock down our borders and ports with the troops that we currently have stationed all over the planet, and watch how the chips fall ...... all while not spending a fortune in the process.

But can we sit idle while genocides of groups of people take place? That would be my first concern. Second concern is what about the resources and security of said resources in the area? Surely we wouldn't want terrible people enriching themselves within the global market place. That can only lead to more power and control.

Eta good point about the Soviets. We really should have paid attention in history class. When people have nothing left to lose quite often even in occupation, a population will continue to strike out
Been doing some reading on this ISIS crew. Unreal

Here's a question I'd like to pose to you guys....

If you were in charge, which option would you choose:

Man...I was typing a brilliant reply, of course, but lit a fresh doob of Cheesedom, started re-arranging words, deleting and adding 'til I had no idea the point I wanted to make, so....

...I'll get back to you.
Good points. The other problem is that radical Muslims are now living everywhere. It would be impossible to completely erradicate them with weapons. We'd have to bomb our own country

Ultimately, that's the truth that trumps all else.

The radicals in the U.S. have been executing a game plan while casual Americans distacted themselves with Twitter and Dancing with the Stars.

"We are going to fundamentally change this country." - Obama. He announced this to the world.

The U S has been set up to take an enormous fall. Look around. We're sitting ducks.
We could sit back, REALLY lock down our borders and ports with the troops that we currently have stationed all over the planet, and watch how the chips fall ...... all while not spending a fortune in the process.

Do you know who Patrick Buchanan is? He was wildly mocked by liberals for saying exactly the same thing in two failed presidential bids 20 or so years ago.

His book "Where the Right Went Wrong" predicted the events we all see now. One of many books whose prophecies play out nightly on your TV screen.
Do you know who Patrick Buchanan is? He was wildly mocked by liberals for saying exactly the same thing in two failed presidential bids 20 or so years ago.

His book "Where the Right Went Wrong" predicted the events we all see now. One of many books whose prophecies play out nightly on your TV screen.

I know who Pat Buchana is (when I used to watch cable news networks), but had no idea he was pushing that approach. It makes a lot of sense to me
I know who Pat Buchana is (when I used to watch cable news networks), but had no idea he was pushing that approach. It makes a lot of sense to me

He said that we had every resource needed to prosper within our own borders.
He urged avoiding foreign entanglements:

In The Great Betrayal, he wrote, "Like a shipwrecked, exhausted Gulliver on the beach of Lilliput, America is to be tied down with threads, strand by strand, until it cannot move when it awakens. Piece by piece, our sovereignty is being surrendered."

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Ultimately, that's the truth that trumps all else.

The radicals in the U.S. have been executing a game plan while casual Americans distacted themselves with Twitter and Dancing with the Stars.

"We are going to fundamentally change this country." - Obama. He announced this to the world.

The U S has been set up to take an enormous fall. Look around. We're sitting ducks.

I use to use twitter for news but it's so cluttered.

Our for profit news is based on lowest common denominators, if it bleed it leads, and rarely promotes honest discussion. Half of the segments are simply has been ideologues (on both sides of the aisle, there isn't a partisan difference) which shout at one another or act as if they know what's going on in convenient 5 minute segments followed by advertisements. Remember the news has an agenda, to sell ad space. That's our model.

Honestly, and I'd like your opinion Amos, I don't know why conservatives or those who identify with that ideology, don't like NPR, PRI, or BBC. I feel the reporting these organizations deliver a much more in depth, respectful discourse of ideas. People like Diane Rehm or Tom Ashbrook do a wonderful job presenting news and information with opposing viewpoints. No yelling, no disrespect, honest journalism and interviews. It's funny, the code switching you will witness with politicians when they come on to these shows over the national for profit organizations. Sorry if I assume wrongly or am being presumptuous if you don't believe that.

On another point. I know you don't like Obama. Even us on the left are not thrilled with him. He isn't a king, or omnipotent nor the only one to be making decisions. Let's face it, republicans are more interested in gridlock than actual governance. They hold one house and can't do anything to help find common ground on issues, such as road funding or education reform
, immigration? They'd rather sit on their hands, recycle the same ideas that will have no traction. That's the political reality we face. Boehner will loose his house seat after this election, but then what? When did compromise and reaching common ground become replaced with 'my way or the highway'?
We are becoming to polittically correct for our own good is more what is going on there, kinda surprised it is taking place in the bible belt too.
Im not religious but by no means will I tear someones head off for saying "bless you" when I sneeze. I mean ffs I hvent been a "believer" for a while but I still find myself saying this when people sneeze, either that or gahzundheit (fuck if I know how to spell in german)

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I've always told my nieces to say "excuse you" as to not offend. Perhaps I am part of the problem. Not like we are religious folks, she heard bless you and started saying it. I explained to her what it meant, where it came from, and that perhaps someone may take offense.

The longer this goes on the more I wish I never said a fucking thing and just let her carry on.

The more we change our ways for others the more they are going to push for us to become like them, we need to put our feet down and say "HEY, you wanted to come here, why are you trying to make here like there? When there was so fucking awful you had to leave."
Honestly, and I'd like your opinion Amos, I don't know why conservatives or those who identify with that ideology, don't like NPR, PRI, or BBC. I feel the reporting these organizations deliver a much more in depth, respectful discourse of ideas. People like Diane Rehm or Tom Ashbrook do a wonderful job presenting news and information with opposing viewpoints. No yelling, no disrespect, honest journalism and interviews. It's funny, the code switching you will witness with politicians when they come on to these shows over the national for profit organizations. Sorry if I assume wrongly or am being presumptuous if you don't believe that.

I was a regular listener to the Sunday Morning shows when I was travelling for business. All Things Considered, Click and Clack, and Prairie Home Companion.

With a hippie pedigree, I grew up adopting the anti-establishment political views of my favorite bands if I were put on a spot, but I just dug the music/sex/drugs, and avoided the politics. Just wasn't interested. That changed after 9/11. I became a sponge for information. I surfed AM talk radio with open ears before settling on shows that reflected my own concerns and opinions about the leadership and direction of the country.

Been doing some reading on this ISIS crew. Unreal

Here's a question I'd like to pose to you guys....

If you were in charge, which option would you choose:

1) Pull all troops and aid from that corner of the globe. It's none of our business, let them sort it out

2) Engage in their affairs, but only through diplomacy and monetary sanctions

3) Use small, tactical teams to take out the leaders of ISIS

4) Hit them through the use of airstrikes and drones

5) Boots on the ground conventional warfare ala Iraq and Afghanistan

6) Turn the place in to a parking lot. These are savages that cannot be trusted, and will not ever shake their ideology of killing infadels. Kill them all

I just heard this, and I'll use it for my answer: "ISIS is a disease on humanity, and we have the antidote. The antidote also has an expiration date, after which it no longer works." Greg Gutfeld
I was a regular listener to the Sunday Morning shows when I was travelling for business. All Things Considered, Click and Clack, and Prairie Home Companion.

With a hippie pedigree, I grew up adopting the anti-establishment political views of my favorite bands if I were put on a spot, but I just dug the music/sex/drugs, and avoided the politics. Just wasn't interested. That changed after 9/11. I became a sponge for information. I surfed AM talk radio with open ears before settling on shows that reflected my own concerns and opinions about the leadership and direction of the country.

I just heard this, and I'll use it for my answer: "ISIS is a disease on humanity, and we have the antidote. The antidote also has an expiration date, after which it no longer works.

As a conservative (can I call you that?) do you now agree that it was a HUGE mistake to go in to Iraq?

What I've learned: Maybe it takes a crazy dictator to keep things in check in that part of the world.

Sorry to distract off the current flow of things, but for a second lets go back to the infiltration of schools I just seen something on the news that's very scary considering the other news that's come up this week.

Could it be happening in America?

Dyer County is one soybean field away from the tiny Hee-Haw town I inhabited for 8 frustrating years. My now ex was a teacher in the Weakly County system, and volunteered me as a ' sub ' when a real bad flu made them desperate for bodies. I was spectacularly unprepared to experience the total awfulness of the schools. And that was a decade ago.

Sorry to distract off the current flow of things, but for a second lets go back to the infiltration of schools I just seen something on the news that's very scary considering the other news that's come up this week.

Could it be happening in America?

Okay, I'm far from religious but even I say "bless you". That is beyond stupid PC for a student to be suspended.

Now I do take issue with prayer in school, state houses with ten commandments and any other similar nonsense
Ya some shit kids say like being "yellow bellied" is not ok because from my understanding it gets its roots from when chinese immigrants were building our railroads and they used to treat them like shit but they rarely would retaliate so if you didnt "defend your honor" you were yellowbellied which equated to your a fag in our society.

I know I am guilty of having used this phrase but stopped when I was told the origin.
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I remember a time as a kid where it was quite common to hear a kid say "I am gonna kill you" when they get annoyed with each other. I know I never meant a word of it when I was a kid but nonethelss it is not acceptable.

just thought I would point out with an example that we are constantly evolving as a society, sometimes for better sometimes for worse.

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We are becoming to polittically correct for our own good is more what is going on there, kinda surprised it is taking place in the bible belt too.
Im not religious but by no means will I tear someones head off for saying "bless you" when I sneeze. I mean ffs I hvent been a "believer" for a while but I still find myself saying this when people sneeze, either that or gahzundheit (fuck if I know how to spell in german)

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fairly stupid when you think about it, because people thought when you sneeze it was your soul tryin to escape