Mods Gone Wild

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Staff member
Yeah idk... can you suspend people? Temporary ban?
heres how it works on new riu
you can ban people and admin is the only one who can unban I begged admin to fix that in cause of accidently issues he said he did last week
but it didn't go through
hes in a meeting now so I should have everyone unbanned soon

If danny boy does come back , he will be demoded instantly


Staff member
He does so much for this place. He's funny and smart as hell. So fucking friendly and down to earth. I would understand if he didn't want to accept - but offering him his account back would be the right thing to do.
im sorry did you miss what he did?
the ONLY WAY to stop him was to ban him that's all I could do I didn't want to do it , I will eventually unban him but he will be demoded so he cant do it again
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