3 Leaved cotyledon seedling


Well-Known Member
This seedling has 3 cotyledon leaves not the normal 2. Its also producing sets of 3 leaves not 2. Notice the plant to the left. I have never seen this before so I think this might be my biological mom. What is the scoop on this.



Well-Known Member
This seedling has 3 cotyledon leaves not the normal 2. Its also producing sets of 3 leaves not 2. Notice the plant to the left. I have never seen this before so I think this might be my biological mom. What is the scoop on this.

I dont see any thing weird here. looks like every tree ive ever seen. 3 is not weird, being as big as it is


Well-Known Member
What about this shot. Do you see the 3 cotyledons at the bottom?
All my other seedlings have 2. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
It means weak genetics. It will grow alot slower then your other plants because it is working harder to produce 3 sets of fingered leaves. You can leave it be and just let it grow, i have one of those right now and all my other plants are about 5x it's size.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks I see. Thanks for the info. I thought maybe it would be better than the other plants, but the leaves arent as big as the other plants like your saying. Cool


Well-Known Member
Shit happens..My Jamaican plant started at 9 leaves and is now at 1..healthy and popping well....just odd..... not seen that before...


Active Member
My indica dominant 4 ft (started in end of March) is still producing 3 fingered leaves along with 5. It healthy and it sex showed back in late April but I was also curious as to why that happens. Anyone with experience know why this occurs? I have searched the net and I couldn't find anything on it.

* not hi-jacking this thread, just asking the same question the author (upabove) is asking. Peace...


Well-Known Member
It has nothing to do with weak genetics.

Check it

• My plant has three internodes and shoots instead of two.
Trifoliates or triploids are common to cannabis as a plant species. They possess three sets of chromosomes instead of the usual two. Approx. 2% of the population in Mandala strains exhibit this trait. So for every 100 seeds there are max. 2 plants. About 60% of trifoliates turn out to be males. From the females you have 20% with a higher yield than normal (due to the extra node and vigour), 20% are just under average, and the rest are normal performers.


Well-Known Member
i have a samll lady that has 3 main stems instead of 1, as if if fim'd her but havnt, it is growing like a fork except the middle stalk is really short compared to the outer shoots. I have also had the 3 internodes instead of 2 on one main stalk. If it is a female will make a good mother because of all the extra branches that can be used for clones


Well-Known Member
It has nothing to do with weak genetics.

Check it

• My plant has three internodes and shoots instead of two.
Trifoliates or triploids are common to cannabis as a plant species. They possess three sets of chromosomes instead of the usual two. Approx. 2% of the population in Mandala strains exhibit this trait. So for every 100 seeds there are max. 2 plants. About 60% of trifoliates turn out to be males. From the females you have 20% with a higher yield than normal (due to the extra node and vigour), 20% are just under average, and the rest are normal performers.
That higher yield bit seems true in my case..it popped quick and is shooting tops in all directions...... Yay..:mrgreen:
i have a samll lady that has 3 main stems instead of 1, as if if fim'd her but havnt, it is growing like a fork except the middle stalk is really short compared to the outer shoots. I have also had the 3 internodes instead of 2 on one main stalk. If it is a female will make a good mother because of all the extra branches that can be used for clones
Self topping plants....good sales pitch.... $$$$$


Well-Known Member
yeah if i could just breed that into a genetic charecteristic. I am not sure if this one is male or female yet. it is only 2 weeks old from seed


Well-Known Member
Well in some cases I suppose it's weak genetics, ro whatever...all I know is that the one i have is a VERY slow grower, and no it's not anything i'm doing wrong, like I said it's about 5x smaller then the rest, and all the plants are the same...just a x-breed i did not too long ago.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking if it turns out to be a female It could be a good mother?
Will see. To me the one on the bottom looks like its producing more leaf material already but there about the same size. If it is a female will its clones also produce the extra leaves?


Well-Known Member
well it appears to be a hemaphredite! I'm not 100% yet. But it grew as fast as my other plants.


Well-Known Member
I also have a triploid and it is growing just as fast as the others.

Afghani kush fem. Looks weird. If this thing turns out to be a monster I'm gonna clone it and grow em all like this :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
• My plant has three internodes and shoots instead of two.
Trifoliates or triploids are common to cannabis as a plant species. They possess three sets of chromosomes instead of the usual two. Approx. 2% of the population in Mandala strains exhibit this trait. So for every 100 seeds there are max. 2 plants. About 60% of trifoliates turn out to be males. From the females you have 20% with a higher yield than normal (due to the extra node and vigour), 20% are just under average, and the rest are normal performers.

Thanks for the excellent information. Don't suppose, however, you could provide the source for that so I could do a bit more reading?



Well-Known Member
I think it looks cool. Yeah it is kind of weird. Just wait and see what happens, shouldn't hurt LOL.