Quantum Kush 38% THC?

The chick opposed brought up a good point that with the advancement of technology you will have a lot of people getting degrees for positions that won't exist in a decade, but if you ask me that is just a form of social "natural selection" so to speak. It is part of the reason I have not gone back to school, was in college for a small sliver of time but quickly realized the field I was literally jumping into in the name of a paycheck was not something that was going to bring me happiness in life. Whether or not this is related but this is right around the time I started growing, something that brings endless happiness and gratification.:bigjoint:
If you can not pick a field that will suit you though you need to do some soul searching to find what makes you truly happy because a lot of people have not done this with themselves in the millenial generation.
His last name is Foley, an American journalist. YouTube just took down his beheading video posted by the perps.
This is why captions on pictures is a must man!
I feel kinda shitty now, atleast he is at peace now but that is a terrible way to meet your end.
The chick opposed brought up a good point that with the advancement of technology you will have a lot of people getting degrees for positions that won't exist in a decade, but if you ask me that is just a form of social "natural selection" so to speak. It is part of the reason I have not gone back to school, was in college for a small sliver of time but quickly realized the field I was literally jumping into in the name of a paycheck was not something that was going to bring me happiness in life. Whether or not this is related but this is right around the time I started growing, something that brings endless happiness and gratification.:bigjoint:
If you can not pick a field that will suit you though you need to do some soul searching to find what makes you truly happy because a lot of people have not done this with themselves in the millenial generation.

That was a good debate. Most of them are, many have brought up good opposition ideas that I had not necessarily thought of. I do think as is always, times are always changing. I don't think most people will have the same standards of living going forward without change. Everything ebbs and flows
This is why captions on pictures is a must man!
I feel kinda shitty now, atleast he is at peace now but that is a terrible way to meet your end.

Lots of talk here today about why the U S is ultimately the reason why terrorists in the world are mad at us.

Just thought I'd put up a face of the most recent decapitation. Nice looking guy.
These extremists receive most armament from the United States. So yeah, they are definitely partly responsible. The Germans first used these extremist groups during WW2 for their own political ends. After they lost most of these assets were passed off to Western Intelligence agencies.
These extremists receive most armament from the United States. So yeah, they are definitely partly responsible.


Have a look at 3 16 year old schoolgirls who are - I mean, were - non-Americans. I'm sure there must be a reason this is also the U.S.'s fault.


Lots of talk here today about why the U S is ultimately the reason why terrorists in the world are mad at us.

Just thought I'd put up a face of the most recent decapitation. Nice looking guy.
I personally think USA foreign policy is horrible, it treats allies like enemies and enemy countries like toys to be played with at leisure. Latin America and the Middle East are products of the American governments uncaring manipulation.

I also think a lot of the issue is nut-bags looking for a scapegoat for their crazy actions. America gives them an easy target, so does England, even though England is doing everything in their power to suck these peoples assholes and stop getting domestically attacked, they don't seem to realize radicals don't think normally and will find an issue to attack them until all that's left is the Unbeliever bit.

The biggest issue with American Foreign Policy is the political manipulation of EVERYONE friend or foe the American government tries to manipulate your politics. You realize marijuana would have been legalized here in Canada if it wasn't for Bush? I don't know how big of deal it was over there, if we were the big bad Canadian pot Cartel or not. There were all sorts of threats regarding closing borders and more rigorous inspections(Harrassment) at the border if we did. Now look, loads of places on that side of the border are changing their laws.

Lets not forget Mark Emery was shipped to USA due to American pressure and served time in USA prisons, and was shipped around like a product rather then a human being. He was doing something thousands of American's are doing today openly. He just got back to Vancouver last week after 5 years in American prisons, multiple because they have to ship you around to make everyone money, it's part of the deal with the government. The DEA admitted he was a political prisoner, they didn't even try to hide it, he funded the marijuana movement and was jailed for it, says so right in the DEA documents.

If something so minor as Marijuana legalization, in the grand scheme of things it is quite minor, ruffles Americas feathers and causes an uproar how much shit goes on in countries that we don't hear? This is something that was heavily publicized here. America can make sure we can't have legal pot but can go to Afghanistan and make sure those heroin operations are protected.

This is why a lot of folks truly detest America, the manipulation is disgusting. The sad part is those folks on the other side of the world don't realize the great disconnect between the American people and their government at this point in time in history.
I think we all can agree, bad people do bad things. Is this honestly "US" fault? No, these are obviously terrible people. Anyone beheading people is bad. Simply unethical and uncivilized.

Does that mean US foreign policy is bad? No, but our foreign policy certainty has made mistakes. Every day is unprecedented in technology, economical, inter connectedness. Every day is a new venture into the uncharted waters of the future. Only time can tell what is right or wrong.

A little more information on the gentleman believed to be the subject of the beheading video. Seems like he was aware of the risk but compelled to tell the story. Hope his life is celebrated.

Here's what I wonder. Knowing he was going to die as he clearly stated, why did he cooperate in making those statements? The statements seem to be under duress, he spoke the language so no possibility of not knowing what was going on, why did he cooperate? I'm by no means knocking the guy, not at all. Simply knowing death was around the corner, why be a propaganda tool for his murder's cause?
I do not want anyone thinking that I think there is a reason to act this way because of America's foreign policy, that's not the case. I just think there is improvements to be made that could help ease tensions with friends and foes right now.

The bigger picture, Mr Head, is not who's to blame.

It's way past that. The world is on fire, including now, the center of the US.

Very very true sir, it's too late to point fingers it's time to fix issues.

Have a look at 3 16 year old schoolgirls who are - I mean, were - non-Americans. I'm sure there must be a reason this is also the U.S.'s fault.



Those images are troubling. It takes a sick fuck to do something like that. You're not going to meet many people that would think otherwise.

Here's the issue though Amos. What should Americas response to something like this be?

I don't want to put words in your mouth, but you seem inclined to retaliate. Hold the people that do shit like this accountable. An eye for an eye. I'm not saying that it's wrong to feel that way. There's part of me that would like to back over those cats a few times with a dump truck and then shove a hockey stick right up their ass.

What would that accomplish though? Do you think death is a deterrent for people that wipe their ass with their hand, live amongst goats, and believe that death via jihad will score them 72 virgins? I don't. You kill these twisted fucks (along with all of the collateral damage) and you've just reinforced their narrative of the evil western powers..... which recruits a dozen more twisted fucks for every one that you kill.

The goal should be to rid the world of this ideology. Not retaliation. This is a war of minds. The younger generations of Muslims need to see that democracy, and our way of life is a better option than holy war. These kids need to be educated, and empowered to choose the peaceful path.

It will take generations to realize this shift, but it's worth it IMO. The other option is pointless, and has no end. Israel and Palestine have been lobbing bombs at one another since before I was in diapers. Has anything changed?
Here's what I wonder. Knowing he was going to die as he clearly stated, why did he cooperate in making those statements? The statements seem to be under duress, he spoke the language so no possibility of not knowing what was going on, why did he cooperate? I'm by no means knocking the guy, not at all. Simply knowing death was around the corner, why be a propaganda tool for his murder's cause?
I don't think we'll ever be able to answer what was going threw his mind in his last days. Perhaps he wanted the stress of the situation to end. I couldn't imagine the psychological toll it would take on a person to be captured by folks who's only intent is to kill you publicly.
Here's the issue though Amos. What should Americas response to something like this be?

Before I answer you, let me address two things you say:

The goal should be to rid the world of this ideology. Not retaliation. This is a war of minds. The younger generations of Muslims need to see that democracy, and our way of life is a better option than holy war. These kids need to be educated, and empowered to choose the peaceful path.

It will take generations to realize this shift, but it's worth it IMO.

That's a great sentiment, amigo, and shows me again that you're the good cat I've always suspected you to be. But there's a reality about the world now that people still can't, or won't see. Probably because once they accept the facts - believe it is real, and believe it is aimed for us - their world permanently changes.

The minds that you want to convince are powerless against the tyranny that rules them. You and I have never seen the horror in our front yards that these people live with everyday. The younger Muslims are in an ever growing state of 'go along, or be killed'. Or 'watch us brutally murder your children first'. It's the working definition of terrorism, and it works. These guys are wiping out entire villages and ethnic groups.

There's one thing you have to ponder before considering what actions are to be taken, stOw. What are the consequences of no action?

40,000 people on a mountain top would be mostly dead had no action been taken. Airstrikes have helped regain territory, but now the enemy responds with the beheading card. Losing a few thousand soldiers doesn't stop them - it just delays them. From moving north - and west - and east - and south. They've photographed and posted themselves in front of the White House and at the Lincoln Tunnel. They say they're serious. Do you believe them?

What are the consequences, ultimately, of no action? You tell me.