"Ganga Growing Girls are Hard to FIND"...

Ok, so let it go and play along nicely. I was being ok when I stood up for Yessica and you take it the wrong way and defensively.

One day you will smoke Jamaican dream. Not anytime soon, but one day!

In the meantime pls don't forget I have friends with seed co's and enough experience to know what talking about. I just grew Somaris which took over 70 days so yes I do agree with you that it depends. Mainly on my microscope.

Well, considering that I didn't even reply to your first jab, I'm not sure what you're referring to in regards to taking anything the wrong way defensively from you.

I'm not arguing that you know people and grow weed. I'm not actually arguing with you at all. I don't know why you hold grudges over something so trivial. .I don't think anything else needs to be said. Have a nice night! :)
GGG? German Goo Girl?


Might wanna find a new acronym for your weed women.
Naw - that's pretty accurate.
You can keep the bukkake to a minimum...I've seen you post enough of that shit in the past few weeks...
Oh fuck....It's like a DARE....ahhhhhhh

I just want to SO BADLY!!!

Ok fine...whew...deep breaths...


That was a close one....

Yessica you seem to be kinda cool you ought to be my girlfriend. Im young, single, have job car house and some money for fun and havent been out of weed in 7 years and been independent since i was 15. Will you take me in your heart?
Yessica will you marry me i grow erbs and am crazey !
Awwwwes - another time and place - maybe we all could have been happy together.

I'm all gay-love for my boyf though. I know - I'm a fag.

I'm sure there has to be SOME vagina's kicking around here though.

Are there REALLY so FEW of us?????