"Ganga Growing Girls are Hard to FIND"...

You say "other people", and reference me putting them down. If I recall, it was just you, and I didn't put you down. I voiced my opinion that you repost the same pics and gifs too often in multiple threads. I think the harshest term I personally slung around was "annoying"...

And it's just you. Well, defending my actions from the boy-like "knights in shining armor" that feel as if they need to come to your rescue.
when people say someone is annoying them, they fail to see the only person annoying them is them selfs
You say "other people", and reference me putting them down. If I recall, it was just you, and I didn't put you down. I voiced my opinion that you repost the same pics and gifs too often in multiple threads. I think the harshest term I personally slung around was "annoying"...

And it's just you. Well, defending my actions from the boy-like "knights in shining armor" that feel as if they need to come to your rescue.
she was having a laugh and now youve made her feel uncumftable,, see know youv got me , i cant spell im so uncomftable
Everything is funny to me.

THAT is how I end up living my life without CONSTANT ANGER.

You should try it.

If I didn't laugh at the atrocities of the world...I would cry.

I like laughing better!
Says the girl who's been on prozac and in therapy for how many years? Don't fucking lie to yourself. Sometimes life is awesome! Sometimes it sucks. It's all just one crazy ride, enjoy the parts you can, and deal with the hard parts the best way you know how.
Says the girl who's been on prozac and in therapy for how many years? Don't fucking lie to yourself. Sometimes life is awesome! Sometimes it sucks. It's all just one crazy ride, enjoy the parts you can, and deal with the hard parts the best way you know how.
your being a nob
I'm done being a downer. You can get a couple free shots in, Yessi. I'm over this shit. Smoking on some GG#4, first time Ive seen it around SoCal...Yum.
You say "other people", and reference me putting them down. If I recall, it was just you, and I didn't put you down. I voiced my opinion that you repost the same pics and gifs too often in multiple threads. I think the harshest term I personally slung around was "annoying"...

And it's just you. Well, defending my actions from the boy-like "knights in shining armor" that feel as if they need to come to your rescue.
Hey - NOT my fault other people with an OUTSIDE perspective see you as being mean sometimes.

I don't think you're mean - ALL the time.

But saying it's my "personality" that is the reason "you would NEVER fuck me".

Where is the sunshine joy in that - I ask you?
Ahhh, the stench of forum entitlement in the air. Meta man, I've never seen you like this before... which is weird considering the abundant and consistently annoying amount of shit regularly spewed onto this forum which actually warrants your attitude. Just my opinion, is all.

Yeshica, you do cream all over the forum so expect it. Not that I mind personally.

Down to the nitty gritty, when are you two gonna shack up? You're OBVIOUSLY gonna hate fuck at some point
Hey - NOT my fault other people with an OUTSIDE perspective see you as being mean sometimes.

I don't think you're mean - ALL the time.

But saying it's my "personality" that is the reason "you would NEVER fuck me".

Where is the sunshine joy in that - I ask you?
Your looks alone wouldn't keep me from having sex with you...That has to be SOME form of compliment, right?
I'm done being a downer. You can get a couple free shots in, Yessi. I'm over this shit. Smoking on some GG#4, first time Ive seen it around SoCal...Yum.
I was JUST kidding.

We made up! BUT - if you say shit that makes my spine itchy - I GOTTA say shit back.

Thems the rules.

Don't worry - not butt-hurt.

I didn't mean to get my crazy progeny after you.

Us whack-jobs still together I am afraid.
Ahhh, the stench of forum entitlement in the air. Meta man, I've never seen you like this before... which is weird considering the abundant and consistently annoying amount of shit regularly spewed onto this forum which actually warrants your attitude. Just my opinion, is all.

Yeshica, you do cream all over the forum so expect it. Not that I mind personally.

Down to the nitty gritty, when are you two gonna shack up? You're OBVIOUSLY gonna hate fuck at some point
I actually laughed out loud for this one. Like I said, I'm done being a downer...All smiles, man! :)
Ahhh, the stench of forum entitlement in the air. Meta man, I've never seen you like this before... which is weird considering the abundant and consistently annoying amount of shit regularly spewed onto this forum which actually warrants your attitude. Just my opinion, is all.

Yeshica, you do cream all over the forum so expect it. Not that I mind personally.

Down to the nitty gritty, when are you two gonna shack up? You're OBVIOUSLY gonna hate fuck at some point
