Why UK Members Gotta Be so H8in?

Why They So Angry?

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Generally we arent but just recently there has been the odd moron or 3(Yessica n her little fag hags) that have decided to invade the UK thread n post stupid shit everywhere clogging up the thread, generally piss people off with how moronic they are and then call all their little bitch friends to come in n try disrupt the thread even further hence us reciprocating, normally its quite rare for us to stray outside the UK thread
Lol I know you're not talking about me...
Oh my - you are SO ANGRY!

Wow!!! I didn't "call for backup" you paranoid wanka. I left.

You dudes, and the way you react to - well fucking anything, is REALLY awesome.

You're soooooo mad!

Not all of you. BUT YOU FOR SURE!

I am a known crazy person, with YEARS of psychiatric treatment - and I currently see a therapist.

I'm doing pretty darn good - all things considering.

But you...don't seem to be. Making fun of people with Bi-polar disorder?

Ever known anyone to commit suicide?

They probably HAD bi-polar disorder. NOT so funny now - is it.

Maybe you should read every once in awhile, instead of spending your time trying to make other people feel small in order to make yourself feel better.

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liek i said they are so angry!!!!
Oh my - you are SO ANGRY!

Wow!!! I didn't "call for backup" you paranoid wanka. I left.

You dudes, and the way you react to - well fucking anything, is REALLY awesome.

You're soooooo mad!

Not all of you. BUT YOU FOR SURE!

I am a known crazy person, with YEARS of psychiatric treatment - and I currently see a therapist.

I'm doing pretty darn good - all things considering.

But you...don't seem to be. Making fun of people with Bi-polar disorder?

Ever known anyone to commit suicide?

They probably HAD bi-polar disorder. NOT so funny now - is it.

Maybe you should read every once in awhile, instead of spending your time trying to make other people feel small in order to make yourself feel better.

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Actually yes I have, I drove him to it actually, he was given the choice to either kill himself or he would have it done for him...............an bearing in mind he was a paedo it was immensely fucking funny although i would have preferred he chickened out of doing it himself as would loved to have helped him on his way to whatever hell those scum cunts go to
the uk thread is for talking shit mainly erie, growing is old to most of us, it's a living and how many people do you know who talk about their job that you don't want to grab by the lappeles and bury their nose into their face?
Actually yes I have, I drove him to it actually, he was given the choice to either kill himself or he would have it done for him...............an bearing in mind he was a paedo it was immensely fucking funny although i would have preferred he chickened out of doing it himself as would loved to have helped him on his way to whatever hell those scum cunts go to
Damn you should try to smoke some pot bro
Actually yes I have, I drove him to it actually, he was given the choice to either kill himself or he would have it done for him...............an bearing in mind he was a paedo it was immensely fucking funny although i would have preferred he chickened out of doing it himself as would loved to have helped him on his way to whatever hell those scum cunts go to
Well - PEDO's are in a different class.

I kinda think they should all be shot.

Or castrated.


Look at US! Bridging GAPS!!!!

Oh - I may fall in love with you YET!
the uk thread is for talking shit mainly erie, growing is old to most of us, it's a living and how many people do you know who talk about their job that you don't want to grab by the lappeles and bury their nose into their face?
sound logic there cant argue...i just liek bud porn and plant porn
i dunno man, we had a slight disagreementon the fine young gals jessicas page n he pussied out ao I zaid fine let it be then he starts that thread n blocks me looool pfft im done for now cya
Um....who is that...that you...are....um....


You figured out my CLEVER RUSE....

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