STL is about to start rioting.

yeah, a few thousand dollars worth of insured merchandise is probably worth way more than a dozen humans.
This is the lefty mentality that REALLY does my head in, its the same bullshit with shooting a burglar.


Fuck criminals, I load my shotgun "birdshot, buck shot, bird shot and two buckshot" for the end, just incase.

Maybe if more looters got shot, the retards might think twice before looting?

Its not like the homeowner/store owner commenced the hostilities, is it?
yeah, a few thousand dollars worth of insured merchandise is probably worth way more than a dozen humans.

Wow, your a coward among cowards M8

Yes, I place my livelihood well above a bunch of idiots that have no respect for anything or anyone.

Try and grow a pair of balls you gutless little troll, if you even have a pair to start with.


yeah, a few thousand dollars worth of insured merchandise is probably worth way more than a dozen humans.

That's not the point UncleBuck, it's that someone has to take a stand to stop the lawlessness and the police are obviously ineffective in this situation. A man has a legal right to protect his property in most states. He may be insured but that insurance never completely covers the loss. There are many intangibles that cannot be replaced or repaired when a business is destroyed. A store owner has his whole life tied up in that business. If a looter wishes to put his life in jeopardy over a few hundred dollars of merchandise then he's the idiot. Believe me, the looters know who's armed and who isn't.
That's not the point UncleBuck, it's that someone has to take a stand to stop the lawlessness and the police are obviously ineffective in this situation. A man has a legal right to protect his property in most states. He may be insured but that insurance never completely covers the loss. There are many intangibles that cannot be replaced or repaired when a business is destroyed. A store owner has his whole life tied up in that business. If a looter wishes to put his life in jeopardy over a few hundred dollars of merchandise then he's the idiot. Believe me, the looters know who's armed and who isn't.

Unfortunately uncle buck is a coward through and through, born and raised by cowards, and will do nothing but spread cowardice in everything he touches. I truly feel sorry for his children.
For that kind of sickness, there is no cure.


I truly feel sorry for his children.
Buck would never have children, if his wife got pregnant, Buck would personally supervise the abortion and then probably do another abortion the next week just for fun and to make sure that no small humans would be appearing any time soon. Buck hates children and would rather see them all in the La Brea tar pits.
Please don't put any fatherhood ideas in his head.

On a happier note, 31 worthless thugs got arrested last night in Ferguson. More than one way to clean up a neighborhood I guess.
yes, at least one was a 90 year old holocaust survivor, poor old lady, she got arrested for "blocking an entrance"

and then a photographer for a newspaper, he got arrested too, for "loitering" in one spot.


and a pregnant woman, which I assume she was arrested for harboring an illegal alien. No pic of her though, sorry.

Fuckin thugs.
Buck would never have children, if his wife got pregnant, Buck would personally supervise the abortion and then probably do another abortion the next week just for fun and to make sure that no small humans would be appearing any time soon. Buck hates children and would rather see them all in the La Brea tar pits.
wouldnt it make more sense to just get her tubes tied or himself snipped?
yes, at least one was a 90 year old holocaust survivor, poor old lady, she got arrested for "blocking an entrance"

and then a photographer for a newspaper, he got arrested too, for "loitering" in one spot.


and a pregnant woman, which I assume she was arrested for harboring an illegal alien. No pic of her though, sorry.

Fuckin thugs.

it's daylight in those pics, so not last night at all. Fail.
They photoshopped night into day?
there is no possible way that woman would ever be in the middle of all that at night. im sure she is a stupid radical leftist, but i doubt she is stupid enough to go out at night while all of the others are rioting and such. she would be like a prime beef steak tossed into a pack of rabid dogs.

ill tell you what though. im less concerned now why brown was shot and more so about why none of these ppl seem to be employed. how do ppl live without going to work?
ill never understand that.
The government taxes the people that do work and then takes that tax money and gives it to the people that don't work in order that they may buy their vote. The great American way!
im aware of how it works, i just cant understand how they live on it. i think that would be a more valid question. i can work when i want cause i have gm's running my businesses, but i choose to go in everyday to check up on them. i dont have to but i want to.