Country Boyz Can Survive ;-)


Well-Known Member
Yes NoseyRosey and The Broads...and MandyMoo are light well as 3 nice ones in The R&R patch.


Well-Known Member
Got that plant in those Japanese soybeans? What did you do when they top sprayed it with the spray coupe?


Well-Known Member
I've got a plant very close to a regular soybean field (late wheat beans) and they haven't brought in the spray coupe yet. She is sticking out like a sore penis, so I wish they would hurry up before she gets ooc.


Well-Known Member
Got that plant in those Japanese soybeans? What did you do when they top sprayed it with the spray coupe?
Japanese? It was transplanted into the field a couple of weeks after being sprayed. The field was sprayed before it had a stand. I dug a big ass hole and imported some chemical free black soil from up north.


Well-Known Member
nope they are not....i know what you are saying but it was sultry weather today. It was the weather conditions making the leaves point up