Travan Martin all over again??

history tells a different tale, bignbushy.

people were pretty quick to tell you what a piece of shit you were under your previous username.

well, except for people like kynes and muyloco. white nationalists like desert dude were happy to praise you.
actually Bucklefuckle, i called Bigoted N' Bushty on the carpet several times for his attempts to twist my comments into tools to support his agenda, as well as his rabid racist gibberings.

but since i dont really give a squirt of piss for your opinion, that's irrelevant.

you now wish to create a "Not A Racist " test, wherein everyone who fails to wail and cry over some bigoted comment must be a racist too.

some of us prefer to let idiotic racist remarks stand alone, clearly visible, and stinking, rather than burying them in a mountain of shitposts and constantly quoting them.

Bigoted N Bushy didnt need your help to be proved a racist, he managed that all by himself, but you sure did help get his visibilty up with your constant quoting.

you were practically his press secretary.
Others said he didn't, so who knows?
can you quote me those others please. Every eyewitness I heard said he had his hands up. Three EYE witness said he had his hands up. I disregard his friend, but not the two females who gave the same account. Can you provide eyewitness who says different.
Josie said Wilson first noticed Brown and his friend when they were walking in the middle of the street. She said Wilson told them to get out of the street and the two men yelled back at him, including some obscenities.

“He pulled up ahead of them. And he was watching them, and then he gets the call-in that there was a strong-arm robbery. And, they gave a description,” Josie told Loesch on Friday. “And, he’s looking at them and they got something in their hands and it looks like it could be what, you know those cigars or whatever.”

Police later released surveillance video and revealed that Brown was a suspect in a “strong-arm robbery” at a nearby convenience store.

The alleged friend of Wilson continued: “So he goes in reverse back to them, tries to get out of his car. They slam his door shut violently. I think he said Michael did. And, then he opened the car again, you know, he tried to get out. He stands up. And then Michael just bum-rushes him and shoves him back into his car, punches him in the face and then, of course, Darren grabs for his gun. Michael grabbed for the gun. At one point, he got the gun entirely turned against his hip. And he shoves it away, and the gun goes off.”

The caller went on to claim that Brown then ran from the officer, making it about 35 feet away before Wilson got up and ordered the suspect to “freeze.”

Michael taunts him… And then all the sudden he just started bumrushing him. He just started coming at him full speed. And, so he just started shooting. And, he just kept coming. And, so he really thinks he was on something,” she concluded. “The final shot was in the forehead, and then he fell about two or three feet in front of the officer

Don't know if it's true, but it's plausible. Also shows the cop did go back because of the STONG ARM ROBBERY...which isn't shoplifting for those of us who are peddling that line of bullshit.
can you quote me those others please. Every eyewitness I heard said he had his hands up. Three EYE witness said he had his hands up. I disregard his friend, but not the two females who gave the same account. Can you provide eyewitness who says different.
I posted the video
Josie said Wilson first noticed Brown and his friend when they were walking in the middle of the street. She said Wilson told them to get out of the street and the two men yelled back at him, including some obscenities.

“He pulled up ahead of them. And he was watching them, and then he gets the call-in that there was a strong-arm robbery. And, they gave a description,” Josie told Loesch on Friday. “And, he’s looking at them and they got something in their hands and it looks like it could be what, you know those cigars or whatever.”

Police later released surveillance video and revealed that Brown was a suspect in a “strong-arm robbery” at a nearby convenience store.

The alleged friend of Wilson continued: “So he goes in reverse back to them, tries to get out of his car. They slam his door shut violently. I think he said Michael did. And, then he opened the car again, you know, he tried to get out. He stands up. And then Michael just bum-rushes him and shoves him back into his car, punches him in the face and then, of course, Darren grabs for his gun. Michael grabbed for the gun. At one point, he got the gun entirely turned against his hip. And he shoves it away, and the gun goes off.”

The caller went on to claim that Brown then ran from the officer, making it about 35 feet away before Wilson got up and ordered the suspect to “freeze.”

Michael taunts him… And then all the sudden he just started bumrushing him. He just started coming at him full speed. And, so he just started shooting. And, he just kept coming. And, so he really thinks he was on something,” she concluded. “The final shot was in the forehead, and then he fell about two or three feet in front of the officer

Don't know if it's true, but it's plausible. Also shows the cop did go back because of the STONG ARM ROBBERY...which isn't shoplifting for those of us who are peddling that line of bullshit.
Josey is not an eyewitness, but she is a pussycat. Let us know when you get the cops story FROM THE COP.
Josey is not an eyewitness, but she is a pussycat. Let us know when you get the cops story FROM THE COP.


More than a dozen witnesses have backed up the account of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the controversial shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown, police sources reportedly told St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter Christine Byers.

More than a dozen witnesses have backed up the account of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the controversial shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown, police sources reportedly told St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter Christine Byers.
link please
Josey is not an eyewitness, but she is a pussycat. Let us know when you get the cops story FROM THE COP.

Though Wilson has not spoken publicly about his side of the story, an alleged friend of the officer, identified only as Josie, shared what she claimed to be Wilson’s recollection of events. CNN later confirmed that the woman’s account matches Wilson’s account of the shooting, according to their law enforcement sources.
Yeah, you should know by now I don't do the link thing. It's not my fault that lefties rely on news sources that don't actually report the news. Broaden your horizons and you might learn a thing or three.
oh I see you just talking bullshit. I'm only interested in hearing the truth not bullshit. You don't link because you don't have one. In short you are a liar
oh I see you just talking bullshit. I'm only interested in hearing the truth not bullshit. You don't link because you don't have one. In short you are a liar

Yeah, that's it, I wrote that article fucking moron.

I guess you missed where NLXSK1 already posted the link.

More than a dozen witnesses have backed up the account of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the controversial shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown, police sources reportedly told St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter Christine Byers.

Byers also reported on Monday that Brown’s body was transported from the county medical examiner to a funeral home and then back to the medical examiner for three autopsies.

Protests continued on Monday night, more than a week after Brown was fatally shot by Wilson.

Though Wilson has not spoken publicly about his side of the story, an alleged friend of the officer, identified only as Josie, shared what she claimed to be Wilson’s recollection of events. CNN later confirmed that the woman’s account matches Wilson’s account of the shooting, according to their law enforcement sources.

The woman called into TheBlaze TV host Dana Loesch’s radio show on Friday, claiming that Brown “bum-rushed” Wilson moments after pushing him into his squad car, punching him in the face and trying to grab the cop’s gun.

“Michael and his friend turn around. And Michael taunts him… And then all the sudden he just started bumrushing him. He just started coming at him full speed. And, so he just started shooting. And, he just kept coming. And, so he really thinks he was on something,” the caller added. “The final shot was in the forehead, and then he fell about two or three feet in front of the officer.”

Monitor TheBlaze’s live coverage of the Monday protests in Ferguson here.
