Amount vs high


Well-Known Member
Usually I inject 6 marijuanas to get high

Lol no I can take 10 hits of any weed (sativa is different) and I feel the buzz I hate being high or stoned or anything in between I just like to be mellow and kinda weightless not so blazed I keep on starring at a glass of milk thinking that its cow piss lol

To get fucked up tho I suggest injecting propane then taking baby asprin with bleach


Well-Known Member
i was 13 the first good weed i smoked tasted like country sasuage i thought , but i wised up and it had a sage flavor straight to the head fuked up , sativa about 1983


Active Member
i was 13 the first good weed i smoked tasted like country sasuage i thought , but i wised up and it had a sage flavor straight to the head fuked up , sativa about 1983
1983, the closest I got to fucked up that year was over indulging in breast milk, puking and taking a nap. Oh and for the record, I was a few months old.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I had sinusses
Oh no!

Don't smoke 2 whole marijuanhas! That is very dangerous and can lead to an overdose.
Oh no!

I thought u can only overdose from injecting 2 marijuanhas?
Oh no!

You get more high, and it last longer
Oh yes!

I just get stoneder
Oh my!

Or turning gay!!
Oh no!

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i always smoke just enough. Then a 1/2 hour or an hour later i will smoke just enough again. I may even go 2 hours before just enough is needed again. No need to over do it to get an attitude adjustment.