is this Potassium Deficiency


Active Member
Hey im 3 weeks 20140812_154926.jpg 20140812_174437.jpg into 12/12 i just started noticing this is it Potassium Deficiency or nute burn and what steps should i take to correct


Well-Known Member
must know your grow conditions, soil, hydro, lights, indoor/outdoor, nute feeding and brand, pot size if in soil, temps, have you checked for mites all that


Well-Known Member
is this Potassium Deficiency? ...more than that! note the red stem, the red is the potassium can't get to/from the leaf cause your grow space is too cold at night, dry edges also look to your humidity is to my blog for a flush ....:
note.. many new strains also go 'red' without any explanation, just keep up your night temps

those prints on your pic can be ID theft?


Well-Known Member
Is it Potassium or is it Phosphorous, Vostok? ;-) I've read Vostok's blog a few times in the past, lots of good stuff there "three weeks." Those tips look like nute burn. The spotting is a calcium def.
Red petioles are a sign of a Phosphorous deficiency which, can be locked out due to cold temperatures. Low humidity isn't usually an issue unless you're getting down below 30% and even then, the plant will generally be able to compensate so long as there is adequate hydration in the root zone. What are your night temps? What nutes are you using if any? Do you have a pH reading? What strain? What soil? Pretty much anything you can tell us about your grow will help. Good luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
i think its calcium def look at how the edge of the leaves on the serrated edges are dieing. i can not conferm any other def . but i am not ruling it out .


Active Member
20140814_191235.jpg 20140814_191340.jpgHey guys thanks for the replies the strain is purple diesel the soil is a mix of mg organics choice and mg natures care organic soil ... the temps are 84 when lights are on and 70 when off no nutes during veg soil had plenty i started flower with pure blend pro bloom soil and miracle grow liquid cactus feed she was only feed that for 2 weeks now she receives pure blend with xtreme nutrients juice and xtreme nutrients rhino drive pbp at 15ml a gal and both others at 10ml per gal


Well-Known Member
Looks like calcium lock out. Can be cause by too much mag. Then too much cal can cause potassium lock out as well. i suggest flushing with plain water. then use kelp in a foliar and soil. that will cover the def / lock out.


Active Member
Is it Potassium or is it Phosphorous, Vostok? ;-) I've read Vostok's blog a few times in the past, lots of good stuff there "three weeks." Those tips look like nute burn. The spotting is a calcium def.
Red petioles are a sign of a Phosphorous deficiency which, can be locked out due to cold temperatures. Low humidity isn't usually an issue unless you're getting down below 30% and even then, the plant will generally be able to compensate so long as there is adequate hydration in the root zone. What are your night temps? What nutes are you using if any? Do you have a pH reading? What strain? What soil? Pretty much anything you can tell us about your grow will help. Good luck :peace:
aey all I know you are way more exp than I am but in the bible its looking like potash or iron could be wrong just food for thought

Da Mann

Well-Known Member
aey all I know you are way more exp than I am but in the bible its looking like potash or iron could be wrong just food for thought
Hey. Nice to see someone with reference material and takes the time to help someone. Looks like you will try and find answers yourself. Nice change around here. They will wear you out with the same questions all the time. Peace to you Brother or Sister. Sorry for the sidetrack.


Well-Known Member
Is it Potassium or is it Phosphorous, Vostok? ;-) I've read Vostok's blog a few times in the past, lots of good stuff there "three weeks." Those tips look like nute burn. The spotting is a calcium def.
Red petioles are a sign of a Phosphorous deficiency which, can be locked out due to cold temperatures. Low humidity isn't usually an issue unless you're getting down below 30% and even then, the plant will generally be able to compensate so long as there is adequate hydration in the root zone. What are your night temps? What nutes are you using if any? Do you have a pH reading? What strain? What soil? Pretty much anything you can tell us about your grow will help. Good luck :peace:
...indeed I may stand correct I'm high as a kite right now but leave you with an old link: