my first attempt at 4 cola mainlining


Well-Known Member
Thanxs man. I might be being a dumbass but wat happens to the shoots from the first two nodes then.
hes wrong dude, dont listen to mainliner, youre right about topping at the 3rd node and getting six shoots.

to mainline, you let it grow 5-6 nodes, top above the first node, make sure its the above the first node and not above the cotyledons (seed leaves), tie those down, then top each of those shoots, tie down the two new shoots on each side, then top each of those for new shoots once, you will have a total of 8 tops from the same mainlined stem.

you can also top above the second node, for 4 shoots/tops, but that is not mainlining, thats Uncle Bens topping technique.


Well-Known Member
Thanxs man. I might be being a dumbass but wat happens to the shoots from the first two nodes then.
you can trim everything back ,so you've just got growth on your new tops , that will give you the T shape mainline your looking for, it sends your roots up a trimmed stem, and up to the main tops( colas)


Well-Known Member
you can trim everything back ,so you've just got growth on your new tops , that will give you the T shape mainline your looking for, it sends your roots up a trimmed stem, and up to the main tops( colas)
Y not just top at the first node like mike said


Well-Known Member
Y not just top at the first node like mike said
he's confused

in mainling, once you make your topping cuts, its common to cut off all other shoots that have started to grow, that are beneath the shoots you topped above, removes some of the larf is the reasoning...


Well-Known Member
You know nugbuckets DID make a picture tutorial for all this. Search function here and google is your friend. It's idiot proof Tthat way.The plants I MLed I didn't bother to trim off the fanleaves. I just pinched or outright scraped off the secondary branches at the corner with my fingernails. More leaves = more solar panels yo. And no larf. The secondary branches aren't there.


Well-Known Member
I don't main-line my plants but do often top above the 3rd node (node is a single shoot and leaf growing from a larger shoot)

topped this plant couple of times and removed some leaves and flowered, also its only 24" high :)

mainliner info is spot on mate :)

well only if you want to grow plants like this

last year.png

you can get loads of plants like this under a 600w


Well-Known Member
How much veg time do u need to get 8 colas
9 years and 5 cheese sandwhiches, i think er maybe 2 minutes and an song from Marie carie? I don't know,,,you can have as much veg time as u want,, jees you can even leave a plant in veg for years,, only joking, i give them 2 week to recover than add a band aid and dance around them with my cat on my head,,,that' technique is called " cat hatting". Its very advanced, only for the non newbies,,lol,,,,,,wheres my whisky


Well-Known Member
9 years and 5 cheese sandwhiches, i think er maybe 2 minutes and an song from Marie carie? I don't know,,,you can have as much veg time as u want,, jees you can even leave a plant in veg for years,, only joking, i give them 2 week to recover than add a band aid and dance around them with my cat on my head,,,that' technique is called " cat hatting". Its very advanced, only for the non newbies,,lol,,,,,,wheres my whisky
Newbie? Says the geezer who tells u to cut at the 3rd node to get 2 shoots. I'm not a newbie u prick and I wasn't asking u. U don't even not wat ur goin on about u silly cunt


Well-Known Member