Positive people required!!

Mmm hmm. Sounds like our old workplace. He bitched a lot about that shit, said he was moving on and got a contractor's position.

You ought to look into that ;)

Which I'm sure you will..lol
I'm getting more experience and then I will change jobs again. LoL
I'm thinking around 5 more years and then I can move into another higher up position. I'll see what happens at the place I'm at but more than likely around that time me and my fiancee will have our businesses opened and I wont have to worry about working for someone else.

Hell I made 100 dollars the other day grabbing pics off a hard drive. :wink:
That took me all of 10 mins. :lol:
I'm getting more experience and then I will change jobs again. LoL
I'm thinking around 5 more years and then I can move into another higher up position. I'll see what happens at the place I'm at but more than likely around that time me and my fiancee will have our businesses opened and I wont have to worry about working for someone else.

Hell I made 100 dollars the other day grabbing pics off a hard drive. :wink:
That took me all of 10 mins. :lol:
Sounds like you have a plan. I wish I did, my plan right now is to just enjoy life one day at a time until I get all my affairs in order at least. Once that's done, I'm going back to school myself. I want something to show for all my years of education before I die :D

$100?? wow...(:
Several months ago I had picked up a position from my student adviser to install a network and route new cables and drops and setup their security on their internet for her church. Hooked them up with some QOS- quality of service and even installed them a dd-rt on their router so I could create some access rules and a little extra added security.

That job paid me 50 an hour. :wink:
Several months ago I had picked up a position from my student adviser to install a network and route new cables and drops and setup their security on their internet for her church. Hooked them up with some QOS- quality of service and even installed them a dd-rt on their router so I could create some access rules and a little extra added security.

That job paid me 50 an hour. :wink:
DD-RT? see, I been out of it too long..lol I knew what QOS was though ;)

DD-RT? see, I been out of it too long..lol I knew what QOS was though ;)

Main characteristics:

  • supports more than 200 different devices
  • comprehensive functionality
  • supports all current WLAN standards (802.11a/b/g/n*)
  • supports outdoor deployment*
  • supports enhanced frequencies *
  • VPN integration
  • supports various Hotspot systems
  • bandwidth management
  • multilingual user interface
*appropriate WLAN hardware required
Main characteristics:

  • supports more than 200 different devices
  • comprehensive functionality
  • supports all current WLAN standards (802.11a/b/g/n*)
  • supports outdoor deployment*
  • supports enhanced frequencies *
  • VPN integration
  • supports various Hotspot systems
  • bandwidth management
  • multilingual user interface
*appropriate WLAN hardware required

so basically you updated the firmware. I wonder if my old router is capable? I hope it wasn't in the donation box..that would suck.
I wish I'd done networking, it's a lot more interesting than communications management. Thanks for the link ;)

Man..I'm hungry. AGAIN.

Not good. I need to get my ass back to the gym. Like ASAP!
I wish I'd done networking, it's a lot more interesting than communications management. Thanks for the link ;)

Man..I'm hungry. AGAIN.

Not good. I need to get my ass back to the gym. Like ASAP!
You and me both.
I haven't been in a bit, but I stay pretty active most days and I don't really eat so yea.... lol
You and me both.
I haven't been in a bit, but I stay pretty active most days and I don't really eat so yea.... lol
Hell I went 12 hours between meals Tuesday. Now today, I want to eat every four hours..o_O
I'm gonna start walking two miles a day and working out with my weights more. I've got to do something before I get fat and lazy..lol
Hell I went 12 hours between meals Tuesday. Now today, I want to eat every four hours..o_O
I'm gonna start walking two miles a day and working out with my weights more. I've got to do something before I get fat and lazy..lol
Thought you had weed?
That should make you hungry every 4 hours if you're high. :P
Well damn.

I wasn't home all day yesterday, no weed.

That makes sense..lol :P
I've found out its not a good idea to eat only while high cause then it confuses your body into thinking something isn't right. My appetite is slowly coming back, but I can only peck at food. The food I posted earlier, I ate probably 5 bites out of it and put it to the side.
I've found out its not a good idea to eat only while high cause then it confuses your body into thinking something isn't right. My appetite is slowly coming back, but I can only peck at food. The food I posted earlier, I ate probably 5 bites out of it and put it to the side.
I can see that. While I was dry, I was eating twice a day, decent meals for me. Now I'm eating 4 times a day, on average. Think I'm gonna munch some cheese puffs. It only takes 3 or 4 to calm my tummy down. Like I said before, its a lot different since surgery. I've got these weird sensations at times feels like growling hungry then turns into feeling full. The damndest thing, I tell you. I was hoping this was one of those times but it's not going away..lol Hope your getting your protein in every day, you drink any of those shakes ever?
I can see that. While I was dry, I was eating twice a day, decent meals for me. Now I'm eating 4 times a day, on average. Think I'm gonna munch some cheese puffs. It only takes 3 or 4 to calm my tummy down. Like I said before, its a lot different since surgery. I've got these weird sensations at times feels like growling hungry then turns into feeling full. The damndest thing, I tell you. I was hoping this was one of those times but it's not going away..lol Hope your getting your protein in every day, you drink any of those shakes ever?
I have whey protein, but I usually only take it after a hard workout. If I need my stomach to settle I drink chocolate milk. It coats my stomach so I don't feel hungry anymore.
On a positive note I will not be hunting this year. Its only positive for the deer. LoL

Too busy and that sucks cause I love sitting in the woods waiting for that moment. Its even better when it is snowing. :wink:
I have whey protein, but I usually only take it after a hard workout. If I need my stomach to settle I drink chocolate milk. It coats my stomach so I don't feel hungry anymore.
I used to drink a lot of chocolate milk for that same reason. Wish I had some now.
On a positive note I will not be hunting this year. Its only positive for the deer. LoL

Too busy and that sucks cause I love sitting in the woods waiting for that moment. Its even better when it is snowing. :wink:
Surely you can find a little time? I've really been wanting to learn to hunt myself just never got a chance to.
Surely you can find a little time? I've really been wanting to learn to hunt myself just never got a chance to.
I wish, but there will be no time when deer season opens. I'll be back at school at night and at work during the day. Its possible I can hunt on saturday or sunday, but I may not even feel like it at that point cause I know I'm going to be drained.

First part of the season I hunt with a bow then a rifle then back to my bow.