would youee this was the starting post , and had nothing to do with me, the total retard ( staring Arnold Schwarzenegger) ( have to make a joke , cant help myself),,,,, so unwatched!!
um,the whole post regarded you..not only you cant spell,but understanding english is hard for you?
Love when ppl follow up calling someone a retard with a grammatical error. Irony is awesome. Anyways this dude needs to lay off the tablets...I have no idea what he's talking about...ever.
Love when pillow up calling someone a retard with a grammatical error. Irony is awesome. Anyways this dude needs to lay off the tablets...I have no idea what he's talking about...ever.
neither does he..like finshaggy,but more pitiful,and too illiterate to cut and paste..sure like the comma button tho..n
I know a guy obsessed with grammer, he reminds me of rainman, I always think it's funny when people talk about grammer on the interwebs, like their smart lol


"Bublonichronic, post: 10791332, member: 37198"]I know a guy obsessed with grammer, he reminds me of rainman, I always think it's funny when people talk about grammer on the interwebs, like their smart lol[/QUOTE]
obsessessive is one thing.but not understanding the fundamentals used in language to convey your point it a different game...i have no idea half the shit this guys saying,but its funny:-)
I know a guy obsessed with grammer, he reminds me of rainman, I always think it's funny when people talk about grammer on the interwebs, like their smart lol
Talkin' bout me? I was just trying to say it's ironic when he calls someone a 'retard' then types like one. I dnt give a fuck how people spell / type online but when you can't even slightly make out what the dude is talking about then he probably shouldn't be the one flagging retards.
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remind me again how did this thread end up here? IM confused. Sorry a confused retard, sorry a confused retard that cant spell, sorry a confused retard that cant spell or knows what trolling is ,,, ,, , , , ,,, , , ? ,,,,, ? ,,,, im just sorry man, good luck what ever this is,,,?,,,?