Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I say the word faggot not in a offensive way

Hell I say gay and fag in front of my gay step uncle

Just like the N word I say it when I use offensive jokes and say nigger rigged

I never caught shit for it from black people

Btw I say black people not african Americans

You dont call white people enligh,Irish,European American

Idc being called white

Random jibber jabber indeed! Proceed!
I say the word faggot not in a offensive way

Hell I say gay and fag in front of my gay step uncle

Just like the N word I say it when I use offensive jokes and say nigger rigged

I never caught shit for it from black people

Btw I say black people not african Americans

You dont call white people enligh,Irish,European American

Idc being called white
I don't mind the word...I just don't like it when I think it's meant in a neg way.

Like: Hey you fuckin fag, nice shoes!!! (totally fine)

Dislike: faggots are ruining procreation for us "normal' people (should be shot)
Was trimming my pond yesterday morning. Shot this Fucker in my leg. Must've come in the rip rap I laid down recently. Had to get a pic of course. Like bongwater in his mom, it went two inches deep.:leaf:
I just "birthed" him yesterday...

I'm more surprised you didn't make mention of how DEMOLISHED my vagini would be after birthing a full grown man...or at least a semi-grown teenager...

Barn doors BLOWN TO BITS!
I don't mind the word...I just don't like it when I think it's meant in a neg way.

Like: Hey you fuckin fag, nice shoes!!! (totally fine)

Dislike: faggots are ruining procreation for us "normal' people (should be shot)

Yeah I respect gay people because its a dramatic experience they have to go through not only receiving hate

But being disowned by family too

Homosexuality actually is a good thing because we have a large population its like that scene in the matrix were that guy keeps multiplying

The horrifying truth is that were running out of resources for our future generations

Plus gay couples are really the largest majority that adopts children

And if they made gay marriage legal it wouldn't be the end of future generations because they were already gay to begin with

Also I like lesbians
Yeah I respect gay people because its a dramatic experience they have to go through not only receiving hate

But being disowned by family too

Homosexuality actually is a good thing because we have a large population its like that scene in the matrix were that guy keeps multiplying

The horrifying truth is that were running out of resources for our future generations

Plus gay couples are really the largest majority that adopts children

And if they made gay marriage legal it wouldn't be the end of future generations because they were already gay to begin with

Also I like HOT lesbians

I agree with ALL OF THAT. Except I added "hot" into the lessie part.

Because....camman...they're just so pretty!!!!!

Fuck I'm out of my hot lessie pictures....I will have to re-use this, because it's niiiiiiiice:

Feel free to Bukkake your hot lessie shots in and around my eyes. I like them!
Does anyone here work in the emt field? Or know how ambulances communicate with hospitals? I'm doing a research project and I need a little help/direction. I think ima go talk to the fire dept.