Sad face....


Active Member
a few weeks away from harvest and the I have a lot of leaves turning completely yellow and wilting. there are no spots, no lacking nutes(i'm sitting right around 1100 ppm.

I've leached the soil w/ around 4 gallons of ro water and the plant still is doing this. I'm about to just switch the plant to straight water and then harvest in ten days.

Does anyone have a clue of what this could be?



Well-Known Member
how much have you been watering? have you been watering alot latley?

cause over watering can make leaves droop and wilt and turn yellow and die off 100%

IF YOU ARE.. you are not letting the plant breath and its sufficating the plant which will do whats going on now.

ALSO... over watering can block out Iron intake which gives you yellowing an browing dying off leaves.

are you adding alot of water?


Well-Known Member
oh also this is me PERSONALLY... 1100 PPM is high for MY liking but it is ok for that much PPM... if this is hydro which it sounds like it is. ive always kept my ppm at 900 MAX!... but accourding to cut sheets of herbs and tomatoes 1100 ppm is safe for flowering.

Whats your PH at?

a lot of nutes can be blocked out if PH is to high and if PH is too low..

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
a few weeks away from harvest

WTF???? What exactly are you hoping to harvest off that plant? I'm guessing you will get 1 blunt out of it.

Seriously... that is one sad looking plant. The pot you have it in is WAY too small... and the light no where near what you need to grow a decent plant. I wouldn't waste too much effort at this point.... chalk it up as a learning experience and try again.

Good luck :D


Well-Known Member
If you look around, you'll see that happens..The plant puts it's energy into the buds and not the see this more on inside grows it seems... You're going to harvest in 10 days or so , so you don't want to add any N for the yellow leaf shit.. want to flush....not add.....


Well-Known Member
WTF???? What exactly are you hoping to harvest off that plant? I'm guessing you will get 1 blunt out of it.

Seriously... that is one sad looking plant. The pot you have it in is WAY too small... and the light no where near what you need to grow a decent plant. I wouldn't waste too much effort at this point.... chalk it up as a learning experience and try again.

Good luck :D
Shes right but i couldnt say it :cry:


Well-Known Member
WTF???? What exactly are you hoping to harvest off that plant? I'm guessing you will get 1 blunt out of it.

Seriously... that is one sad looking plant. The pot you have it in is WAY too small... and the light no where near what you need to grow a decent plant. I wouldn't waste too much effort at this point.... chalk it up as a learning experience and try again.

Good luck :D
I was going to say something, but when you're learning ANY plant makes daddy you said, you can grow, now just tweek the grow op and off you go to pretty babies.....
Got to love those early day stick plants..

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Shes right but i couldnt say it :cry:

LOL... well I wasn't trying to be mean.... but I just don't see the point in spending all that time and effort, not to mention money on nutes to grow a blunts worth.

Even a small stealth grow of one plant done properly should produce much better results then that. LOL... someone had to say it.... hopefully the poster will take it as constructive criticism and do a little more reading / learning and then try again. :D

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member

Got to love those early day stick plants..

LOL... well my first attempt got me 5 dead plants three weeks into veg so I'm quite familiar with going back to the drawing board. I'm happy to report that my next attempt went and is going MUCH MUCH better.... and I ain't growing sticks. :mrgreen:

The first thing I thought when I saw that picture was "hey... is that GP420 under a new name?" ROFL!!!!

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Looks to me like you have trimed off alot of lower leafs, don't do that again, as for the yellow leaves, when the plant goes into 12/12 she starts to slow down the Nitrogen uptake, I have solved this problem by useing Extreme Serene (kelp) once a week to all ladies in flower (unless 2-3 weeks from harvest) also I use FF grow big (veg Nute) half way through flowering for 1 1/2 weeks. I never see yellow leaves in my flower room. Take a look below, go to flower room. P.s. I keep my ppm from start at 900 and by the end of the line they are at 1300.


Well-Known Member
MY GOODNESS.... come on now one learns more from boo boos then all
the how the heck did I do that right. he has some little buds there...
AND I BET thats going to be the most enjoyable smoke you ever had
cuz YA did it yourself.... congratulations on making it this far.
NOW lets look to the future.
You have a lovely little light for starting seeds and or clones. a nice white water tray.
and the apparent desire to try....
Now I know NOTHING about water.... how about ya kind of assist him
with confidence on how or what to do for the next time. and while he
waits for this to finish up. He can prepare for the future and learn from this.
I would love to help BUT I KNOW NOTHING about water.
I think a little more light may be a good sound investment....
maybe a little more airflow to strengthen the future stocks of tomorrow.

the little problem you are having at present is the plant was Not quite strong enough to be able to take on the final process of making the buds... so it is sucking every ounce of strength it can from the leafs that are left. thats mother nature trying to ensure future generations.... and she doesn't give up easy will have a little something....... enjoy
and next time come to riu.
talk to folks threw out your grow, keep a journal, and keep in mind plants LOVE LIGHT! LOTS and LOTS of light.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
LOL... well I wasn't trying to be mean.... but I just don't see the point in spending all that time and effort, not to mention money on nutes to grow a blunts worth.

Even a small stealth grow of one plant done properly should produce much better results then that. LOL... someone had to say it.... hopefully the poster will take it as constructive criticism and do a little more reading / learning and then try again. :D
LOL... well my first attempt got me 5 dead plants three weeks into veg so I'm quite familiar with going back to the drawing board. I'm happy to report that my next attempt went and is going MUCH MUCH better.... and I ain't growing sticks. :mrgreen:

The first thing I thought when I saw that picture was "hey... is that GP420 under a new name?" ROFL!!!!
My 1st got stick plants & I wiped out my 3rd grow by nuting during a 90 degree heat spell.. Looked like some sort of plant Ebola.. 1st day...browning ....3rd day all browning......... 6th..........


Active Member

haha, I didn't mean to incite such a terrible response, but none the less I will admit that this is a project I took over from a friend who tried to gro in the attic and also tried to make multiple buds. I know it's tiny and we probably won't get shit out of it, but none the less this is my first time.

This plant has been through. I've gone through 2 germinations now and I'm still trying to figure out just what exactly it is I'm doing wrong. I have no clue what I should do for the next one, and for one reason or another (all of which I know the answers to) my new sets kept dying. My friend will be taking this set up back over once this plant is done for a few months but I plan on building my own home kit w/ some cfls and the likes.

How can I save this. i know you don't htink it is but I just want to see the fruits of my 2 months of laborious tedius attempts of trying to save this pos stickly looking plant.

Just start flushing then?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member

haha, I didn't mean to incite such a terrible response,

LOL....... suck it up and laugh with us..... I wasn't trying to be mean..... but come on... you had to of known someone would razz you a little about the meagerness of that plant. If you read all the posts you would see we've all been there.... and likely all got a little razzing along the way for our early pathetic attempts. My sister and I both made fun of my first efforts so much that we laughed ourself silly.

How can I save this. i know you don't htink it is but I just want to see the fruits of my 2 months of laborious tedius attempts of trying to save this pos stickly looking plant.

Just start flushing then?
If you think it's ready to harvest then all you can do is flush it out and then cut it down in a week. The key to really knowing if it's ready is by looking at the trichs with a hand held microscope (radio shack $10.00). Don't sweat the yellowing leaves.... that's normal for plants in the end of the flowering cycle. Did the white hairs turn orangeish in color? Are the trichs at least 50% cloudy? If so... flush and cut her in a week.

Good luck :D


Well-Known Member
At least you can upload pic's...I'm not having much luck...
If you have germ ?'s... pm me with them..I'll help if I can..


Well-Known Member
holy hell....dude this is just a light problem...go buy lights!!! like real ones....HID's at least 150 watts. this is what I got from my first indoor plant and the one growing will be my third indoor plant harvested. cmon....this shit is easy long as you have lights...cfl's and fluoro tubes will not flower good buds....ever:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
my flouro buds came out dank.. thank you every much.. my 1st dwc
I will believe they came out dank...but not tight...either way...anyone with balls to actually man up and matter what they are using....gets my approval....unless they are underage....


Well-Known Member
I harvested a flouro grow back in may (still have over half left), my main cola was 14 inches long, 3" in diameter, and weighed in at almost an ounce.... I'm happy. But I agree HID is better, flouros are just more efficient (in that they don't produce heat so they can go in more compact places, use less electricity, etc.).


As FL Girl said, just take this as a learning experiance, its really too late to remedy the problem now.


Well-Known Member
Thats what it comes down to..doing what YOU can... always gets me when people say good, HID only...whats no good is having no weed.. fluffy is better then 0........ no one can argue that....... (some may try), but to me if you can grow a plant to it's finish, thats an accomplishment... and nothing tastes better then YOUR own...even when its a bit weaker or whatever...