STL is about to start rioting.

Nearly all modern conservatives were once liberals.

would love to see some citation for that, but we'll never get ti because red just talks out of his ass.

it is mroe accurate to say that many republicans today would have been conservative democrats 50 years ago. you guys can keep them though, we don't need that ugly element in our party.

tell me more about why you think black people might riot in general, or even feel free to tell me why you think they are rioting now.

or better yet, tell me what might compel YOU to riot.

I agree with you (I think) that the rioters/lewters had no right to do what they did. But under similar circumstances, I might have reacted in a similar manner. I hope not, but I may have. So I can kinda sorta understand. I think.
about 20 minutes ago.
when did i say they had a right to?

i am simply shocked that so many people can't understand why they would.

You keep making excuses for this kind of behavior and it simply doesn't fly.

I do not understand why people would trash businesses and homes in their community, I understand why they're protesting but cannot excuse nor overlook the looting/rioting - writing it off as the by product of an exploited and disadvantaged population.

At the end of the day this behavior reflects poorly on the community of Ferguson and undermines any legitimate protests they might stage. Before you start down the SES road, that too is no excuse for blatant criminality.
Does anyone know what happened that got the young man shot? Five pages and not a single comment about how that officer was fighting for his life while being attacked in his own squad car, trying to hold on to his firearm. Not all cops are bad. There are some that deserve capital punishment at the very least, but MOST just want to do there job and go home. Anyone know any details about why this young man was trying to grab the cops gun? If this really IS what happened, try to fight a cop and grab his gun in any part of this country and see what happens, regardless of the color of your skin. Again, i cant find any details. But one thing is for sure, this mob of looters used this tragedy as an excuse to steal shit.
Does anyone know what happened that got the young man shot?

The officer pulled on him after an allegedly shoplifting items from a convenience store. I understand he was shot at 30ft after running from the squad car after the physical altercation with the officer, when it is alleged the deceased tried to grab the officers gun.

All reports I've read indicate the deceased did not successfully acquire the officers firearm nor was he armed during the incident.

The officer may have been in fear of his life but the fact the initial altercation was over and the deceased was killed while fleeing indicates the officer used excessive force and could have either used a non lethal option or waited for further officers, K9 etc to arrive to track down the suspect.

edit - witnesses to the shooting are saying he was shot while stationary, with his hands in the air, apparently the officer fired a warning shot
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