Desperation: What have you done when you couldn't get the goods ?

I got banned apparently because i chose a username similar to someone that had caused problems in the past...
First sign was , after this happened i sent Sunni a message asking if i had chosen a username similar to someone that had caused problems in the past, to which i got no reply. then after making a few more posts (none of which were offensive in my opinion, but feel free to search bigjoe1983 and read them to judge for yourself) I was banned.
So i am just trying to get my account back since I am in fact NOT this person they think I am and had already made atleast one friend here on the forums, maybe more...
I don't really know why you guys (you and pinworm) think I am someone who has previously been banned and i'm not really sure how i can convince you otherwise.
Here is what i can do though.
This is my facebook page : to tn around a year ago.
I use bigjoe83 as my league of legends tag (i bring this up because my username seems to be the issue here)
So thats why I chose it, actually my first choice was "bigjoe" but that was taken so i added 1983.
Does my demeanor seem the same as the person you think I am ? Am I the same age ? I dont know, i was just getting along well ( i felt like it was well) with other people on the forums, then i get banned.

Just talk to me before you ban me again please...
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lol, I have falafels. I could make one in the shape of a penis...
well there is a section in profile for fb page and apparently i need to prove i am not some dick that use to abuse the forums so I didnt think it would be an issue. Edited out none the less.
Man, I used to do the stove thing too...
Now I don't care if I'm out,
I do, however I don't fiend for it.
Unless I have a stomach ache.
I've smoked trim before though...not bud leaves.
Waste of edible leaves lol
And tasted like ass