**benificial bacteria tea 'V's' water chiller


Well-Known Member
iv just found out i didn't need to spend money on a waterchiller, instead i could have used benificial bacteria tea
there must be pro's and cons of these methods and what temp can i have water if i go down the bacteria road, id like to set up more bubbles and it would be easeir to not use the chiller,,thanks ;)
You dont need to go to the hassle of brewing a tea. I use hydro guard from botanicare along with pondzyme in multiple 50gal RES's and was able to stop using my 1\2 chiller setup. Roots love it and plants are very happy.


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You dont need to go to the hassle of brewing a tea. I use hydro guard from botanicare along with pondzyme in multiple 50gal RES's and was able to stop using my 1\2 chiller setup. Roots love it and plants are very happy.
that brewing tea thing is a long process,,what temp is your water at then? IM gonna go get some of this hydro guard stuff?
I let the room temp control res temp. I run 68 lights of and 80 on.
iv been looking for this hydroguard and pondzyme, iv got the pondzyme but cant find the bloody hydroguard,, stupid home website didn't even sell it ( botanicare ),,, where do you get it , and that pondzyme seems expensive , does it go along way?
I use both. 3ml per gallon of hydroguard and half a scoop of pondzyme to 50gal res. Then a half a scoop every 4-6 days.
I use both. 3ml per gallon of hydroguard and half a scoop of pondzyme to 50gal res. Then a half a scoop every 4-6 days.
so that's 3ml per gallon= 150ml for your 50 g res,,,how often do you change the water, this is starting to sound more expensive than a chiller , or am i missing something
Let me put it this way, i use the complete line of botanicare pro and additives (what some call costly) and my cost of all nutes and shipping from veg to harvest averages around $1.25 per dried ounce. What's an ounce where you are?
Let me put it this way, i use the complete line of botanicare pro and additives (what some call costly) and my cost of all nutes and shipping from veg to harvest averages around $1.25 per dried ounce. What's an ounce where you are?
that's good enough for me thanks,,,,,btw its £170 oz that's about $300,,,,,,,,thanks for your help , ill be getting me some of that in the morning,,,have nice life bud :)
I use the new hydro guard as well. It is pretty cheap compared to orca or voodoo juice ect. It only needs 2mil per gallon as its super concentrated. Your water will stay super clean for 7 days at least with 2 mils per gal.
You don't need to do either. Water chillers and bennies is like throwing salt over your shoulder here on RIU.

Just make sure the reservoir ppm and pH is right, and that you have the right ratio of essential elements.

iv just found out i didn't need to spend money on a waterchiller, instead i could have used benificial bacteria tea
there must be pro's and cons of these methods and what temp can i have water if i go down the bacteria road, id like to set up more bubbles and it would be easeir to not use the chiller,,thanks ;)
Im seeing a lot of bad advice here.

For one cyanobacteria and any root suffocating mucuses don't care about ph or ppm, or DO for that matter. It's a temperature thing. So a chiller will help there, but you still want hydro guard (aquashield) to keep your res clean. This is called running a live res.

Next SS's advice with the pondzyme is accurate if you're fine growing "adequate" plants. By his picture intended to credit his advice we can see healthy plants growing. They are by no means thriving. I look to see no pale leaves and all tips pointing to light source (praying). No offense to superstoner but the only way to accomplish this (in my exp) is with nice pearly white roots, (which i anyway) can only obtain by brewing an AACT.

And lastly, i'm not saying brewing it is easier than scooping some powder into your res, but it ain't rocket science! Takes 5 minutes to start a batch, 5 minutes to finish one (48hrs later). I brew 1 batch per week and keep a 4L jug of it in the fridge for halfway through the week. My plants thrive even at 80f res temp. And $30 worth of tea ingredients lasts a year +.

Oh ya and ps. Add as much as you want it can't hurt the plants. It also doesn't use any more DO once brewed, so it won't deplete your DO any faster than without as stated somewhere above.
Im seeing a lot of bad advice here.

For one cyanobacteria and any root suffocating mucuses don't care about ph or ppm, or DO for that matter. It's a temperature thing.
yes, because what we generally consider "bad" bacteria is anaerobic; it does not need oxygen to thrive.

Oh ya and ps. Add as much as you want it can't hurt the plants. It also doesn't use any more DO once brewed, so it won't deplete your DO any faster than without as stated somewhere above.
The microbes we bubble in Heisenberg tea and other recipes are aerobic and consume oxygen to use energy. They will use a tiny amount of the DO in your nute solution, and as we all know, the warmer the water the less DO it can hold.

Aquashield and pond zyme are good products... bubbling tea is not a requirement for everyone to have pristine roots. You might have to because of 80* res temps, but most people don't run that high.
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Next SS's advice with the pondzyme is accurate if you're fine growing "adequate" plants. By his picture intended to credit his advice we can see healthy plants growing. They are by no means thriving. I look to see no pale leaves and all tips pointing to light source (praying). No offense to superstoner but the only way to accomplish this (in my exp) is with nice pearly white roots, (which i anyway) can only obtain by brewing an AACT.
post pics so we can compare
post pics so we can compare
yeah so i already stated bubbling tea isn't a requirement. And i'm only here to help the OP decide what's best for HIS setup. Obviously i am an advocate of the tea, but i was merely trying to clear up some BS in order to help the OP make an informed decision.

Also, to the OP;
take everyone advice with a grain of salt, mine included. Maybe i'm full of shit like so many on here! :eyesmoke::roll:

600w hps + T5 supplement DWC White Widow week 6
(my latest run)


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pretty much everyone here is telling him to run bennies... I run tea also.

so.. not sure what you are trying to clarify by adding shit to the pile that anyone can verify as wrong in 5 minutes.