So on THAT note....
I got my IUD birth control removed, because I didn't like the idea of a foreign body in me that prevented me from getting my monthly "gift".
NOW my boyf and I are going to have to start using Con....cond....Con-Dome's?
I don't know - we never used them before.
So what's good? Recommendations?
I haven't BOUGHT any of those things since I was in high school. And fav dome-hats?
I'm Canada - and I always thought that EVERYWHERE in the states was just flooded with weeeeeds...brown dirt weed what dosen't even smell like weed, felt bad for him, he got 7 for 70$ i think, not even worth that
Pfffft...we stopped talking about THIS like last week...TURN THE PAGE!!!
Now to ME!!!! Pay attention to ME!!!!
bahahahahaha - sorry, just being a dink....
carry on...
Tubal???Throws Yessica a bag of attention….
condoms suck. Get a tubal..
Yannnow, tie the tubes??? Unless you want kids one day then go on the pillTubal???
Thanks for the BAG!!! GOT IT!!!!!
Dude you are like 16 years friend had a fity bag of reg and we meet up with my other friend and he had a bag of this crap. we rolled up a 2 paper joint and a normal size one and smoked 2 more normal size ones of reg on the way home. barely even stoned it was pretty shitty but then again i can't complain i payed 5$
Dude you are like 16 years old...
ok im gonna be done with this forum if ppl getting accusing me of being a teenager and shit
thought you had to be atleast 21 to join here, what the fuck are you doing here boy?
you have to be 18 and im 19.........
so you're a teenager and you're pissed people are accusing you of being a teenager, makes sense...
im not pissed lol why do pinworm think im 16