rand paul gets an ally!

You commies probably aren't interested in a magazine named, "Capitalism", but ours is a marketplace (marketplace, now there is a hateful idea for you commies) of ideas.


That noble dream is all but dead. The question is why? One professor thinks he has the answer. His name is Onkar Ghate.

Dr. Ghate received his doctorate in philosophy from the University of Calgary. Ghate is a resident fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute where he teaches in the Institute’s Objectivist Academic Center, where he teaches a year-long undergraduate course on Ayn Rand’s philosophy Objectivism.

“In the years since the ‘I have a dream’ speech, the laudable goal of a colorblind society has been subverted through racial quotas and the teachings of multiculturalism,” said Dr. Onkar Ghate. As we commemorate King’s birth it is depressing to note how far America has deviated from the “dream,” said Ghate.

“The consequence of the spread of racial quotas and multiculturalist ideas hasn’t been harmony, but a precipitous rise in racial hatred throughout America, particularly in the classroom and the workplace. It is no surprise that America is growing more racist, since the affirmative action and multiculturalist programs are themselves based on racist premises.”

Ghate added that King’s dream can be realized, but this would require that Americans:

  • Recognize that individualism, not collectivism, is the antidote for racism
  • Recognize that affirmative action and multiculturalism are based on racism
  • Demand that when hiring, employers only consider character traits such as ability and honesty, not physical attributes such as skin color or gender
  • Demand the elimination of all black, ethnic and women’s studies programs at public universities
  • Demand the elimination of all racial categories on government forms
you are nothing like King. You would tell King that he could not eat at a restaurant due to the color of his skin.

I would happily grill King a steak and break bread with him at my own table. You have me confused with the fascists who want to control the property of others.
I would happily grill King a steak and break bread with him at my own table. You have me confused with the fascists who want to control the property of others.
Yeah right....If you and King went to a restaurant and they refused to serve him, you would defend the owners right to do so, instead of fighting for King to get a meal.
Like Martin Luther King, I dream of the day that "“my three children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Me and Martin are that sort of shit.

if that tall tale is anywhere near true, then why do you advocate for denial of service based on skin color?
Yeah right....If you and King went to a restaurant and they refused to serve him, you would defend the owners right to do so, instead of fighting for King to get a meal.

he calls that "freedom".

can't you see how free that makes MLK? he now has the freedom to eat elsewhere, where his arbitrary skin color won't offend the racist business owner.
You commies

the nazis gave germans the FREEDOM to deny service to jews, just like desrt dude wants to give americans the FREEDOM to deny service to blacks and gays.
We also live in a world much different then 40+ years ago.

Should we perpetuate the wrongs that are being made today?
We also live in a world much different then 40+ years ago.

yeah, i'm sure people would band together and run out of town any business that would deny service to people based on race or sexual orientation.



no surprise to see you in here defending the notion that we should make it legal to deny service to blacks because they are black.
the nazis gave germans the FREEDOM to deny service to jews, just like desrt dude wants to give americans the FREEDOM to deny service to blacks and gays.
This is sooo not true, The Nazi's told germans Jews were bad. There was absolutely no freedom involved in that scenario.
reality is becoming inverted.

the guy who thinks sandy hook was a conspiracy is now saying that it's hard to believe what others have to say.

conspiracism is a disease.